
Predicting your own failure is only valuable if you avoid that failure, not follow through on it. I can predict how people would react to me losing a game badly, but that doesn’t mean I’ve somehow won, no matter how much I yell stupid things about it.

Okay, that was pretty good. The Mighty So would be proud.

You can’t actually be a Republican and a Christian, it’s like saying you’re vegetarian as you bite into a hamburger. I mean Ezekiel 16:49 alone is a huge condemnation: the sins of Sodom (for which God murdered an entire city of people) are basically the defining characteristics of Republicans (arrogant, fat, and don’t

Thanks, I knew there was something like this for the PS1. Always thought it would be great for RPGs but never actually got one.

So, a question for anyone familiar with these characters: is Black Bolt anything more than mouth-Cyclops?

As someone who grew up Mennonite, let me tell you that only a small, small percentage of them are what most people think. You’re thinking of Hutterites or the Amish. Most North American Mennonites are like a more passive version of small-town Americans: think of a cross between the Amish and rednecks on one end of a

Also, isn’t the lobbying system just institutional bribery? It seems crazy to me that corporate control of the government is so normalized.

Research has been done for over 100 years now on workplace efficiency, and it shows over and over and over again that anything past 40 hours or so a week is worthless and usually harmful. If it’s a short-term increase, say you normally work 40 hours but need to stay longer for a few weeks for some special project or

While I wish that element hadn’t been included - it was unnecessary and introduced an issue in pretty much the most nonsensical place to do so - people seem to be arguing about it as if qualifying what he did as rape necessitates a similar reaction to this show as they would to rape in real life. But this story is so

And what if the inevitable reversing of the snapture involves time travel? Will the show air a year’s worth of episodes that just get erased by something that happens off screen?

Oh, did they get to the part where God murdered an entire city of people for being too fat, selfish, and not caring about poor people? I don’t imagine that’s a favourite part for the target audience.

Hmm, from the headline I thought there would be some sort of proof that the first season wasn’t entirely contained within David’s head, but it doesn’t seem there is. What with all the visual cues, and the nature of the source character (he’s called Legion for a reason), I still wonder if this will be a revelation

Seems like you’re pretending to not get the joke as an excuse to complain. For what it’s worth I actually agree with your criticisms, but how you went about it just made you look stupid. If the strip’s problems are so strong they make you dumb, that’s more on you than them.

That’s the joke. Not sure how you couldn’t tell.

Actually, you posting this is more proof that you are stupid than smart.

Yeah, but they used to at least rationalize their horrific behavior by having some cause underlying it, now the only cause she has is her own ego. I’d like to think that may have been the point of the show, that those who rationalize horrific behavior are still doing horrific things and are just trying to justify

Unless they do a ridiculous retcon of her killing the president of Bashran and his niece, there is absolutely nothing that can happen that redeems Olivia. She is an unquestionable monster and trying to backpedal on that is a huge insult to anyone watching this show.

Makes sense, I mean if Master Roshi can come to life, that’s in character.

This freakin’ show. I’ve watched it all, but am so glad it’s going to be over, because it seems like every single character has been turned into a terrible person - is anyone on it not a monster at this point? The stupid “gladiators” thing was always over-the-top and extremely self-righteous, but at least there was

I like the idea of undoing the whole stupid vampire thing, but if they just bring back her previous powers, it’s a missed opportunity - they are pretty much a weakened form of Dazzler’s, which are already kind of lame. I hope they ramp them up for her in some way.