
Yeah you have to dig around a bit to find it but it’s there.

Ha yeah it is pretty bad, but City’s is even worse. No idea about CTV, every time I look at their site there’s absolutely nothing I want to watch. CBC’s is brutal but it has all of Kids in the Hall so it’s not all bad.

I’d imagine it’s due to distribution rights. I’m in Canada and get the same thing. Youtube videos can be monetized so I guess they’re part of the distribution contracts, so as not to compete with whoever has the rights outside of the US.

Yeah, fair point. Also, I remember reading something way back when about how the reason the machines kept humans at all wasn’t initially going to be “batteries”, but something more complex, but the writers thought it would be too complicated or philosophical for an action movie so they went with batteries. Seeing as

Yeah, that seemed dumb to me too, until I read the theory that the “real” world is actually just another level of the Matrix, and that idea actually works really well when you think about it. How would Neo have any powers in the real world? And the Architect’s speech on how human rejected utopian virtual worlds so a

It seems like the “leading men” are mostly generic blank slates for men to project themselves onto; actual talent would probably get in the way of his success. But studios could save a lot of money if they just used a scarecrow with a basic haircut.

So I know that in a few paragraphs a person can come off much worse than they really are - it’s not enough information to know a person, just get an impression. But even so, that second person has me wondering about the messages you get that you would qualify as the worst: are there people that come off as true

Aren’t we also waiting on some sort of Bryan Singer downfall? Or did that happen already in between all the others?

Completely agree, really wish more people had played it, will continue to wish that until no single person hasn’t.

Wow, I identify so much with this - Blanka was by far my main in SFIV, for pretty much the same reasons. He’s used less so every player doesn’t know every bit of frame data on him, his moves are unique, and he’s just fun. I’m one of the rare ones who is looking forward to seeing him coming back.

That...is eerily close to my view. The biggest problem with socialism is the biggest problem with every other system we’ve had - whatever level of asshole powerless people are, it ramps up exponentially when they get any power whatsoever, regardless of the system they’re powerful in. If we can manage to replace those

It seems pretty clear she wasn’t being homophobic, just concerned for the health of herself and others in her position. And even if she was completely wrong about that (which isn’t entirely clear, and working in the industry she would likely know the truth about that better than anyone outside of it), the correct

Wow, that statement just makes me fell really sorry for you. To value another human life so little necessarily means you have very little of value in your own.

Well don’t they look cheeky.

This brings to mind something I read years ago, where research was done that showed that the reason that time seems to go by more quickly the older you get is because the human brain is wired to ignore repetition, and as people get older more of their life is repetition, both by necessity and by reduced ambition. Wish

Some people have suggested she was really making fun of people putting their heads in the sand, but that’s not the impression I got. If she was I’d think there would have been some joke in there about the negative consequences of doing so, something like it having the same effect as hiding under your desk to avoid a

Right? This one looks like an up-scaled mobile game. Somehow looks less detailed than UMvC3. I’m looking forward to DB FighterZ a lot more than this one.

Well the bar was set in the last presidency: the Republicans decided to block anything coming from Obama, no matter what it actually was. They chose party over country to a near-treasonous level. Many railed against Obama for made-up nonsense; even the current president did this publicly with the whole birther

There’s no reasonable way to support the argument that they were grifted. She specified what she was planning to do and set a reasonable, small amount to accomplish that. She received much more than she asked for not due to her own manipulation but the misguided attempts to silence her by others backfiring. Then she

There is no way she would have gotten that much money if the assholes hadn’t been screaming their heads off with their clearly stupid overreactions. The majority of that money is to spite them I’m sure, or to make a statement that not everyone in the video game community is a garbage person. And it’s not like she