
Um, no. I don’t type anything to try to present myself a certain way, that would be completely pointless, we are all strangers, why would I possibly care what strangers think of me. And it’s not about ‘protecting’ women, as I doubt you have ever or will ever have any real effect on a woman whatsoever.

The problem is that you are being an incredible asshole. Making them feel bad about themselves is inconsequential to you, yet them altering their lives and bodies to slightly change your opinion of them, which is something that is of zero consequence to them or anyone else, is something you ascribe higher value to. It

...Are we sure this story isn’t in reverse order?

Wow, your psychic powers must be extreme to be able to read that many minds. How do you do it?

There really needs to be a new term for these hateful Republican hypocrites who call themselves Christian, because according to their own Bible, which I doubt this guy or most of his ilk have actually read, he’s terribly un-Christian. Jesus would have towed her. Jesus would never condone owning or using a gun. Jesus

Well he apparently comes by that off-putting The Penguin-fucked-a-boar look honestly. Maybe that’s why his personality and beliefs are so incredibly hideous - he could only be severely ugly, so he decided to double-down and go full boar with it. And now he gets the ultimate result - becoming a mocked and despised

While I don’t think ethics in video game journalism is a substantial issue - it’s a video game, come on guys, who cares - video game journalism is not explicitly advertising. Bad reviews have kept me from buying games, just like bad reviews kept me from seeing BvS, so it can have the exact opposite effect of

Canadian here. We have similarly dubious ISP’s trying to trick customers out of money, but one tactic seemed particularly unscrupulous: my provider called me every month offering deals including home phone, and each time I’d tell them I didn’t require that (I was fine with only Internet, I have a cell phone), and had

My biggest problem with ownership is prices being elevated by investment. I’ve been looking at the Vancouver market, so it has been top of mind. I think of a scenario where buying and selling a house you don’t live in is restricted, and it just seems so much better overall. Aren’t there enough other venues for profit-

I wonder if this is part of the reason the next book is taking so long - it’s not that he hasn’t spent time on it, it’s that he’s written the previous books in a way that pulls people apart to grow separately, but now he can’t get it to work well bringing them back together.

Free speech means the government won’t arrest you for saying something, it in no way means you’re protected from any possible consequences of saying something stupid or evil.

Here’s a question I have for anyone with this mentality: if you had to choose between hiring a person who would work 40 hours a week and someone who would work 80 hours a week, and you knew the amount of work done would be the same, who would you choose? Well in general, it’s the same person; research has been done

Well that’s what the creators intended from the start, and they stuck to it. The problem was, the show went on far longer than they expected, so they had to have the characters do other things to prolong viewership, which resulted in character development that no longer made sense with the initial plan. They even

Imagine someone 100 years ago: how many people would that person see in their life? As technology has progressed, so has each person’s exposure to the rest of the world. We now see a lot more people, and have far more freedom to do something about it, being less hindered by cultural/religious restrictions or marriage

If I retain anything from this, and I doubt I will, it’ll be that my bottom lip sympathy-hurts whenever I see her.

To be an anti-vaxxer necessarily means they aren’t open to any real conversation - it requires willful and forceful ignorance of basic reality. Any discussion will just be people reinforcing their previous opinion.

Has any husband-to-be ever cared in the slightest about the wedding dress? Would any of them be able to correctly select it from a lineup a month later?

I just don’t know quite what to think about that one yet - the trailers look really good, except for the Joker, but that could just be editing. We’ll see, I guess.

Yeah, I had huge trepidation about this movie ever since it was announced, and continually as every detail released beforehand seemed like a red flag, but assumed all along I’d still see it. But after what I’ve read, I’ve changed my mind. It seems like it’s not only a waste of time, but an upsetting one as I actually

You seem to have missed about five relevant points, including a few about punctuation and spelling. Feel free to bask in the warm glow of the painfully dumb though, it seems nice.