
Yeah, I thought the same thing too. Superman’s only real crime in MoS is that he has little clue what he’s doing - maybe it’s due to no real supervillains before that point, maybe it’s Pa Kent’s idiotic shame-suicide that made him hide and not be as experienced as he would have needed to be to avoid all that

Calling her “Megyn Smelly” seems pretty hypocritical, as clearly he is entirely composed of crusted stink. Seriously, looking at the two of them, who could possibly think she smells worse?

Being over it without having ever tried it would make me an idiot, so no.

If you set it to record dummy it turned fight request off and you could train as long as you wanted without interruptions.

Yeah, I did all three Season 2 jogress digimon as soon as I could. Which meant having 6 digimon with 100% CAM. Worth it.

FYi for those who want to quicken the grind: PlatinumSukamon’s passive ability give you a +100% experience boost. Which stacks. So you could have three of them as your active party and you’d get x4 experience. The trade-off, though, is having three not-strong metalslimes as your fighters and visible digimon, so I keep

If America were actually Christian, they’d make helping the poor a priority and would be anti-consumerist. America is in no way actually Christian, they just hold onto certain archaic beliefs from it so they rationalize hating and hurting people they don’t like.

Good luck being one or two years behind the learning curve.

That’s... a really good point. You’re right, they cleaned up Arcade Mode, which would have been exactly what we have with Story Mode only extra story-less fights shoehorned in there to cheaply extend it, and if you just want a series of fights in succession you have that in Survival Mode.

No matter what Capcom does, some people get irrationally mad at them, and I find those people to be extremely annoying. When Street Fighter X Tekken came out and people were up on arms over the DLC thing, I was extra annoyed with those people, because they were being idiotic - I was one of the few, if only, people who

So is it like the second Anchorman movie? Where they copied the first movie so much, it would have actually been funnier if they had re-filmed the exact same movie ten years later?

Whatever, I loved Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place. I’ve also liked some of the movies he’s been in since, but it has seemed to me he hasn’t been used right. He worked really well on the show, but that was a bombastic exaggeration of a character; big budget movies tend to go middle-of-the-road and then try to force

Ah, I see what you’re saying. I don’t recall a situation like that in FFT; if an enemy is taking very little damage from you, it’s a safe bet it’s because it’s massively stronger than you and you’re about to get destroyed, so overdoing weak attacks isn’t really an option when you’re going to die in a few turns. From

I don’t think the certain weapons thing was there, but you do get experience for each action even if it doesn’t kill an enemy, which I actually think is better - if character A does 95% of the damage to an enemy but character B kills the enemy, it wouldn’t make sense or be fair for character A to get zero experience.

Do not use FFTA as a barometer of the original Tactics - it’s like saying you didn’t like the prequel trilogy so you’ll never watch the original Star Wars movies.

Considering the level of technology we have achieved, how is it anything but insane that police officers don’t use a tool to incapacitate without doing harm and instead carry around handheld murder machines. Our ability to communicate is amazing, but police officers still regularly blast holes through people.

I thought this was a conversation. I answered your points but you ignored mine in favor of baseless rhetoric. And your last paragraph is just idiotic. I made the comment that it isn’t freedom if it harms someone else, and your response is a transparent straw man fallacy apropos of nothing, trying to build a false

Why is there every reason to be insulting and vulgar? It just makes you come off as a whiny brat who is trying to yell his way out of a conversation he can’t win.

Right, it’s the guy who provides the version that gives the consumer the most value for the price, sometimes simply by having enough scale so that they can provide it cheaper than the consumer could get it on his own. You’re right, it doesn’t have to be something new, just something that people value more than the

Pretty sure there is a return policy on Steam. I think maybe part of the reason there aren’t great policies for physical copies is that part of the value in buying a new physical copy is that it’s unopened. Well, clearly there is, as used copies sell for a little less. I think Gamestop should have a return policy,