The US education system at its finest?
The US education system at its finest?
Dishwasher safe?
A grapefruit spoon is pretty good too.
A butter knife works very well on a banana, and even my three year old hasn’t severed a finger yet!
Yeah me too - just wash it really well first. Lots of crap gets collected and hidden in the leaves.
“Oh, I’m just a girl living in captivity
Your rule of thumb make me worrisome
Oh, I’m just a girl, what’s my destiny?
What I’ve succumbed to is making me numb...”
It's great you're enthusiastic and passionate about this. I'd like this to be featured prominently in your memoirs.
You can keep Hemsworth - I’m on Team Cap!
Fitting that Captain America’s dick is used to get rid of the rancid flaccid dick in the White House.
Right, if the ones walking around were given the same consideration as those unborn, the US would be in a far far better place. Instead...well, here we are.
I’m really looking at the Santa Cruz truck and spy photos indicate that it'll borrow heavily from this SUV.
Enough is never enough
And the cops are “shocked” that they’re getting “ambushed” with “no provocation”. We’ve been provoked for decades and it continues.
Keep at it! I want to see you with director credit soon!
You clearly know what you’re talking about where I’m only half-assed guessing.
I can’t decide if we’re outraged right now or not. I don’t think so. Yes, it’s a checklist, but as you say, it’s a start. Would I like to be included in a film because I’m a woman of color? Yeah, probably, but I would imagine I’d have this underlying notion that I only got hired because if my lady parts and the hue of…