
SPEWGAW (Stupid PrEtty White Girl Attention Whore) does SPEWGAW things. News at 11!

Yes that was the shits.

Are we ignoring the fact that KTM's WP suspension used to be called "White Power"?😅

LOL - yes, they manage to be both somehow!

I’ve never been bothered by others demonstrating their insecurities online; it’s sorta sweet that they feel safe to open up like that 😜

The interior looks pretty full of character to me. Looks slick.

My local dealer too is staffed by a bunch of slimy douchey bros. However the one an hour north is really great.

He didn’t look well either. I sorta felt sorry for him, actually.

Oh God...

Almost met him 10 years ago at a nightclub that was putting on some kind of event where he was one of the, uh, attractions. I was downwind and the odor at 5 feet was enough of an encounter as I was willing to get.

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.

This is a safe space. Can you point to where Erik hurt you?

I was joking (obviously I hope), but I like the cut of your jib!

And as the weight was down low, his handling at the limit will be affected too. 😅

LOL. I married one. It's true. They're all bonkers.

I'm sure your local dealer would be happy to take your money now.

Just pretend you have kids.

They did own Aston at the time, didn’t they?

I said my comment with a smile - I should have made that more clear, sorry about that. I’ve rather enjoyed being a slut at times!

And what’s wrong with being a slut?