My kid calls it the “dad piece” LOL
My kid calls it the “dad piece” LOL
You’re getting far more than just power with the GT350. Brakes, suspension, and so on make it not only go fast, but handle as well, or so I’m told, never having driven one... :-(
Oh yes! The rumble is intoxicating. Plus, the Mustang really looks the part too.
Someone’s feeling threatened! Hahahahahaaa!
Alright then, so no other race can dress up as rustlers/cowboys. That’s only for whitey. I’m of a darker complexion a I also looking fucking GREAT in a cowboy hat, but now I can’t. Dammit.
I’m on my 2nd screen protector. First one got cracked in my backpack. Glad I have three!
I’m on my 2nd screen protector. First one got cracked in my backpack. Glad I have three!
That’s my take too. Good job Mercedes, and I hope the rest of the industry follows along.
Wait, didn’t Miley Cyrus and Not-Thor-Hemsworth just split up like last month? How can she have written, recorded and produced the video for the song already?? I must be missing something.
Hey now, Jen CAN act.
Goomez. So perfect.
Aprons are not only for the kitchen. Just saying... 😉
This sounds like an opportunity for John Oliver.
The chord progression should always B G A G A.
If it makes her happy, that’s all that matters. My routine varies depending on how much I’ve hit the snooze button. Sunscreen is always the last thing I put on. My moisturizer has SPF 30. Been doing that for as long as I can remember.
Really? It sounds like my husband’s electric razor with a busted speed controller.
I had to pass what felt like am Infinity stone last year...
Do you live in a stand your ground state?
If that
No need to be redundant. Nazi or Trump.