Erik Buell is still trying....
Erik Buell is still trying....
Or turn.
And they’re the official bike of organized crime, so they got that going for them.
Except for Indian of course.
Nice with Harley. Binelli wants their TNT 300 back.
Good to know, but I understand enough already 😢
Nope. You were far more important to him and brought him more joy that those cars ever could.
I don’t speak’s dusty all of a sudden.
not brown enough
For my first I breast fed for the first 4 months until my nipples couldn’t handle it. I mixed it up every other day or morning and night. For my second, I guess my nipples knew what to expect as there was no problems. I still pumped later on, but still preferred (and so did she) the breast.
Whatever it takes. You’re an excellent example of what can happen when we don’t wear helmets.
It would have been all blue but he ate the crayon before he finished coloring.
Now you can break down and catch fire offroad too!
Yup - that’s the magic sauce for me too.
Carry a very hot coffee with no lid. Teach, one burn at a time.
Where the hell do YOU live? In my city people try to avoid contact at all costs. It’s hilarious.
Turn the tables - turn around and shove the next fratboy who doesn’t get out of your way.
Woman, but...fine. Drivers can be clueless idiots; cyclists can be angry inconsiderate douchebags. Unfortunately, it’s rare for a driver to get run over by a rider, so...them’s the breaks, eh?
Believe what you like. Just ride safely.
I’m a cyclist but I know enough to defer to the two tonne mass of metal bearing down on me. Yup, drivers can be morons and so can cyclists, but try to avoid the bigger morons of possible.