
Thank GOD! I want to watch her in everything. She just lights up the screen.

The only SWTFA GIF you’ll ever need...

Perinatal hospice care:

Oy, she is not a victim of slavery. She is a victim of a patriarchal arrangement; she is a victim of capitalism, which values ownership and propriety over labor. She is not anyone’s legal property, to be bought and sold, in the same manner as slaves. She receives remuneration for her labor, and was given the right to

“...you can understand how Lori Maddox could have possibly developed not just a sincere desire to fuck adult men but the channels to do it basically in public; why an entire scene encouraged her, photographed her, gave her drugs that made all of it feel better, loved her for it, celebrated her for it, for years. You

Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be

Am I the only one annoyed by the male-centered aspect of re-naming the movie adaptation of her FUCKING AMAZING memoir “just kids” Mapplethorpe after the male lead?

They had the PERFECT opportunity to classify feminine hygiene products as necessary goods and remove the luxury tax! Why did this not happen!

And for most of existence, women haven’t had the privilege of not showing up. No matter how sick or busy, they couldn’t stop mothering. Women have been working around the clock, rain or snow or plague or shine, for millenia.

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.

Bitches gets shit done.