instaface influenzer
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Fire, smoke she is a rising
Fire, yeah smoke on the horizon
Fire, smoke she is a rising
Fire, oh smoke stack lightning, smoke stack lightning

Former midshipmen here. There’s just absolutely no way I can see the game ending any time soon. Your article doesn’t display any indication that you understand how deeply Army-Navy is buried in the cultural psyche of these places. Literally every time I turned left or right for an entire year I had to alternately say

Former sailor here, +1-ing the army for presumably the only time this week.

Former soldier here. I care, even though I never went to the academy. My father-in-law (former sailor) and I have been blasting each other texts and memes all week as we always do in the run up.

#1 I never mentioned domestic violence, just that Hope Solo can fight.

And just now I realized the favorite Miata slogan of Jalopnik is an acronym for Miata. My dumb brain just got blown.

Not at all. Because it’s an acronym. If you go with “the answer is always miata”, then the car is a Taiam. So, go with “Miata is always the answer” to avoid epic failure.

What do you care what other people drive? I need a 4x4 in winter, love driving with top and doors off, find the ride not that big a deal (helps me avoid speeding tickets since it feels like the vehicle is going faster ), and like the looks of it. I do take mine off road 2-3 times a year, but do I need a Jeep? No, I

Same reason someone will pay 80k for a Z06 that will rarely see over 70 and see the track once in it’s life. They want it, and they can.

I’m an ambulance mechanic... Worst of both worlds

There are zero locations northeast of Pittsburgh, northwest of Las Vegas, or north of the line between Nashville and Denver (which includes Chicago). Do we really count a pizza chain that avoids most major population centers and anywhere that has good pizza as “national” or “good”?

I googled this and now I cant unsee.

Or two.............or three.

“yada yada yada” translates roughly into “someone please buy me a sandwich”

Which is a nice change from where I was born... Massachusetts... where everything is illegal.

Shopping for clothes is indeed the worst. When it comes to wrenching clothes, just embrace the stains and wear them anyways.

Super easy clean up for hopelessly stained shop clothes. Get empty 55 gallon drum or steel trash can, fill with oily clothes, marinate with additional accelerants to taste, toss in match, poof! Magic. Dirty clothes are gone.