instaface influenzer

More like Sir Bottomhat

And? You are surprised that they can ask without a court order? Do they need a court order to even talk to tech companies now?

I live in Boston ... if I unfollow him, would that be an adequate Mass Unfollowing?

Final stats. Zero games. One steal.

“Mass Unfollowing” is a gross exaggeration lol

“Someone’s finger was a little slow on the button.”

I keep wanting to get one of the little Power Wheels Porsches and do the bigger-battery thing just to have a hilarious little ride-on when I go race my full-size Porsche.

I will say this: the intro sucks. Skip to 47 seconds in (!!!!) for the downhill carnage, which is what we’re all here to see.

Did you say more power?

Oh shit, imma try this on my kids’ Arctic Cat Power Wheels.

I never thought you could have a truly redneck sport with 4 wheeled vehicles that don’t have any engines, but I was so, sooo wrong.

Do the brothers get along? Because a *good* older brother who manages the store you’re about to rob together would tell you how to avoid at least some of those cameras...

Yeah you’re still advocating violence against children, fuckhead. You don’t get to pretend you’re a reasonable person here.

Yeah, get recorded on 3 phones putting hands on someone’s kid at school and spend some time in jail while your kid is still getting bullied, perhaps even more. That’s really thinking this through.

We’re all distraught over this, but don’t dole out spectacularly stupid advice. At the heart of this story is the omnipresence of cameras - and if you think that by storming in and assaulting a child bully at school is going to yield positive results in this day and age (nothing like when your badass mother did it),

Great post! Always good to see people taking care of a vehicle and I enjoyed reading through the steps and seeing the pictures. Jalopnik could use a whole lot more of these posts!

One of my favorites: