
I mean, there’s the annoying road noise, like that from a blown tire, or this flappy vibration that I get when going 65 with nobody in front of me from a torn debris shield under my car (it’s very real under a very specific scenario), but generally, the quieter, or more sleepy I get.

But I could argue that the more silent the experience, the more sleepy I’ll feel behind the wheel. The auditory and tactile feedback from driving is (partially) what keeps me awake on the long hauls.

My mom is like that and she actually does on some days. Me on the other hand... let’s put it this way: I only eat cereal on days when I know I won’t have to go out. Otherwise I’ll be burning another hole in the ozone layer.

I’m pretty sure that if you leave anything out at room temperature for too long, it goes bad. And of all those restaurants who make huge batches of rice to go through the day? I’m pretty sure it’s not Bacillus cereus that gets that very small percentage of people sick.

What we have in rice immunity, we have taken away in lactose immunity.

I’m not a gearhead, so it would have to be replacing the stock radio/CD player with a single-DIN radio with bluetooth, and a super-ghetto installation of a cellphone holder using PVC pipes, foam door insulation, duct tape, and a cradle borrowed from one of those magnetic vent holders. The center console of a 2000

So how about you propose a better analogy instead of being an armchair pedant who doesn’t add anything constructive?

I’m a liberal. I think spending on free shit for poor people who don’t do jack is a waste. I’m also ok with most military spending that doesn’t involve the F-35. /hides from F-35 circlejerkers

I wasn’t under the impression that liberals wrung their hands about government waste though..

Perfect analogy is chess. You’ve got one queen, but eight pawns. She can only take out one at a time, which leaves her open to counterattack from the other seven.

I don’t know if you’ve read others’ impressions, but in the event you have, would you agree or disagree with their assessments?

Shit, I have this same exact car in white (well, speckled white with all the snow and salt), and I’m giggling at the thought of just how much fun I could have with that V8 instead of the pokey four banger that’s currently in it.

Oh god, that last blue one is like the black sheep of the family that nobody wants to associate with because they up and got a metric butt-ton of plastic surgery that they only retain a passing resemblance to the lineage.

That ‘long objects’ part is going to get you answers you didn’t want.

Somethingsomething support the troops.

The traffic you’re merging into always has the right of way. It’s common courtesy for that traffic to yield if you signal far enough in advance (and you aren’t a dick about changing lanes), but they’re under no obligation to do so. In this case, maybe the cop saw the driver didn’t adequately turn to look before

True story: I was following a little old lady down an onramp and while she was doing 30 in a 50 zone, I noticed her passenger side mirror was still folded in. Many obscenities were screamed from within the safety of my rolled up windows.

illuminating (albeit dimly) behind you

I reallyreallyreallyreally hope this isn’t the time of his life where he starts going senile and someone has to take away his car keys. I would say someone has to have a talk with him about not driving anymore, but I’m pretty sure he could still beat any one of us up at the mere mention of it.