
These are my children - the one I had almost 17 years ago which was way before I had the gastric bypass. The baby girl, Zadie, is 7 months old, was conceived over 11 years after the bypass. This was also 7 years after my first stroke (of 3, the last 2 just months before she was conceived), 5 years after I was put on

I've got to try that. I'm sure after I have my partial hysterectomy that I'll get an infection. (thank god Texas is finally going to let planned parenthood accept funding from them) Trying to fund that for the past few years even with Medicare has been a fucking nightmare so I've tried to get things done only when I

thanks :) i hug both my daughters nonstop to the point I know I have to be driving them insane (16 and 7 months are their ages). I never want to be my mom with my kids. I live 3 apartments down from her right now and she's gotten to where she doesn't come here as much thank god.

she didn't lose it yet but still has unprotected sex - I don't get it.

scratch and sniff vagina - I've dated a tickle and sniff but never scratch and sniff :)

people like you are the reason I come to Jezebel and have my kiddo (who is now 16) always surfing the site. Technically I let the 7 month old surf here too but she's sitting on my lap trying to steal my keyboard :)

You are fucking awesome.

My mother was absolutely horrible when it came instilling that a vagina is a horrid smelling nasty thing to have. I hid my period for a year because she told me how bad things would get or smell once I started one (I was 9 when I started). I'd wash my own clothes, buy baby wipes to hide in my backpack, and

and baby wipes or the wipes that you can get from the hospital for adults that you put in the microwave RULE for people like me that can't shower every day. Those microwave ones are so damn amazing and lather up so nicely, it makes me feel like I'm not taking a modern day "whore's bath".

Preach on sister!!

I challenge you to a duel. We meet at dawn with our loofahs on a stick and body wash.

This is so true. I damn near lost my mind while trying to learn to shower every other day. I had the shakes like I was coming off drugs.

I have a compromised immune system and scars all over my body from being burned as an infant by my mother and having a drunk surgeon do a gastric bypass. I used to be in the hospital once a month for days at a time. I had to be told to stop showering every single day by the nurses and then the doctors. It was causing


Seriously, that was obviously a joke (the one about no homo and being gay). He was probably making fun of assholes like Chris Brown who put shit like that everywhere in their posts, comments, etc.

the sassy black friend is a lesbian IRL which is awesome.

agreed - it's one of the things that has me letting my new daughter see the shows.

it's so awesome they did this - it's one of the few shows I can stand to watch that is for kiddos/traditional families. It's just amazing to see how they didn't do a promo for it, run something stating it was controversial, or just make a huge deal out of warning people who would clutch their pearls while falling over


my lady dick got way too hard last night watching this.