
It’s amazing to watch Jezebel adopt a very NYT style journalism-ey tone when talking about this in the context of Beyonce (or her production team) being the villain when in almost any other context those paragraphs would be an invective laden rant at the person Kelis was talking about and would likely follow up with

People engaging in visual self-description provide a brief overview of what they look like and what they are wearing — any details they feel may be important for blind and low-vision participants.

When introducing herself to a group of people at a disability-related event including a significant number of blind people, she dared to spend a few words describing her appearance for people who couldn’t see it. As is customary, particularly at events where making things less inconvenient for blind people is a major

She hasn’t stopped singing the song because it in some way contributes to violence. She’s stopped singing the song as an act of protest against gun violence.

Two grown ups on their second marriages, and second go-rounds making their “honeymoon” an opportunity to have a family vacation with their newly blended families is not even a little bit weird.

Speaking of, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton will release Gutsy, a docuseries highlighting powerful women. One thing about the Clintons, they have a knack for delivering exactly what no one asked for.

If people are expecting trenchant social commentary from 3-hour-long focus-grouped corporate products about cartoon characters in pantyhose, that’s on them. A lot of markets censor out heterosexual kissing scenes; there’s no way in hell Marvel can “deliver meaningful LGBTQ storylines and representation” and achieve

He’s a fucking freak. His exploits over decades are well documented, despite his PR team’s (mostly) successful attempts to memory-hole them via recent astroturfed viral campaigns.

He looks like he smells really bad. 

No more than any other white South African who witnessed the “replacement” of the white minority power structure in his country, who might be worried it’s happening in the rest of the world, too.

No one is refuting that she took the vape cartridges with her, and a quick search by me just now doesn't find anything but online speculation with no evidence. That's not to say there wasn't an article, just that I can't find it. Her wife didn't refute the cartridges during her interview last week, so I'm not sure

Haha. Honestly that’s my thought too, that this is going to end up as some type of Grace reborn scenario 

So, basically, you are of the opinion that Satanists demanding our right to religious freedom is too bold? Instead, you believe we should be timidly asking: “may we please have this right?” and you are effectively saying: “Who are you to demand YOUR rights?” “How DARE you demand the ability to live in accordance with

Yeah this is a pretty embarrassing hit piece, frankly, and makes Jezebel look pretty bad, because it’s such a failed attempt at serious journalism.

Yes. Again, yes. The Biden administration wants you to vote.

Really? A fucking slideshow to bolster your ignorance in how the U.S. government is structured? People NOT voting is what fucking got us here in the first place. You should be embarrassed.

This is just changing history. There has never, ever been 60 pro-choice Democrats in the Senate. Obama barely had the votes to pass the ACA, let alone get a controversial law passed that would have, at the time, seemed redundant given that Roe had been upheld by the court time and again at that point. There was zero

This is Jezebel’s MO and has been for a while. I think they ran out of money to hire anyone who isn’t totally clueless.

Well it was the “I’m taking my toys and leaving” attitude the Bernie bros took when he wasn’t nominated in 2016 that certain didn’t help matters. Now we won’t have any progress, at all, ever. 

Unpopular (?) opinion. Covering such a somber topic in slideshow form to garner more clicks and ad revenue is pretty damn awful.