
I know this is petty but I have little to no sympathy for Trump supporters who eagerly bout into his BS and it goes especially for people who used to work in his administration and has no qualms about lying and completely disrespecting their positions in order to defend him, but now they want to make money off of

Disney and Abrams overcorrected because they didn’t seem to understand what people liked about TFA or TLJ and ended trying to fix things that weren’t broken instead of expanding on what they already had. So they ended up with a busy film that tried to be both the middle and ending of a trilogy by trying to make

Republicans campaign on fear. That’s really all it is and all they have. They tell their supporters that some big scary radical boogeyman is going to come in a destroy their lives by taking away their jobs, money, safety, and traditions and the only way to stop it is to vote Red. They also treat it as a competition.

This is petty of me I know, but how can you get irritated that Kamala Harris is mentioned in the same breath as Harriet Tubman but not Shirley Chisolm or Barbara Jordan? It’s not like they risked life and limb to liberate enslaved people either. I’m not trying to hate on them.  They’ve both done amazing things and we

Yeah Esther even states that “Most vice presidential picks are based on a careful calculus of a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses—a VP is meant as filler to shore up some of those perceived gaps”. So I don’t undertand why she then goes on to reduce them into beingpawns”.

Not to sound smug but honestly I’m not surprised and feel like had seen this coming a mile away . I think it would have been more shocking to me if it was someone else. Though I think all of the possible choices where really good and would have made a great pick too.

It’s been really annoying how in the news and on social media Kamala Harris is constantly portrayed as too confident and too ambitious. Since she’s unapologetic about possessing those qualities some have taken that as proof she *must* be arrogant, egotistical, calculating, and untrustworthy.

I’m not sure exactly how or why the NYT would use Reade’s secret that she didn’t actually receive an undergraduate degree as a starting point to discuss how poverty can be a barrier to education. How are those two things related? Why would that be a good jumping off point ? If she kept that a secret then I doubt it

Eh, I don’t see how announcing that Klobuchar is being vetted is the same as confirmation that she’s been chosen. Or why people are acting like it is. Even if she is the eventual pick — while I’ll be dissapointed— it’s not going to stop me from voting for Biden and I hope it doesn’t for others either. I also don’t see

Um, did you miss the part of the POLITICO article where it said “Sexual abuse victims sometimes offer contradictory information about their alleged abusers, so her comments do not necessarily refute her claims against the former vice president. But they add weight to the evidence that she spoke positively about him in

To me the idea  of writing what is essentially fan fiction about a real person just seems weird especially of it involves sex and intimate situations and that person is still alive. ( Not that of the person was deceased it would be better.)It just comes off as fetishizing, objectifying , or just outright projecting

I do miss going out to the movie theater because while I don’t usually go out to the movies once I pick something I really want to watch, I’ll make a whole event out of the movie going process.

I agree with everything said in this article. The show was bonkers but Viola Davis was great in it and made it worth watching. I do want to point out that although it is considered a Shondaland show it was actually created by Peter Nowalk , not Shonda Rhimes. She produces it but I don’t think she had anything to do

Yeah, Biden denied the allegations but it wasn’t like jumped straight to denigrating her or was caught or presented with clear evidence against him and told people not to believe it or that it doesn’t matter.

The finale wasn’t perfect but I was satisfied. Yeah the whole Wes/Christopher/funeral fake out was silly but I’m used to them settling up a big mystery before they have all the answers, writing themselves in a corner, and then doing something crazy to make it all work. Plus I was holding my breath waiting for the

Yep I dropped it after the 3rd season too. It seemed like they were more interested in out doing themselves each episode than actually telling a coherent story. The first two seasons weren’t exactly a prestige drama but it was ridiculous fun where I couldn’t wait to see the next episode. By the third season it was

Sorry. I meant "committed to advocating for voting rights" and the "2018 GA election" . My bad.

I like Abrams and was happy to vote for her to be Georgia’s governor and was disappointed when she lost especially since it was due to Kemp’s shenanigans. I’m also glad that she’s committee to advocating for voting rights after what happened. She served in the GA state house , was elected minority leader, and was

Mel mentioned that she took the keycard when the employee wasn’t looking and was distracted and careless. Last season at one point they were required to study the Book of Shadows so I just assumed it was a spell they had already learned and remembered since they announced the spell’s name and purpose before actually

It’s ridiculous to think that it was all Sarandon’s fault as much as it is to pretend like there weren’t people just like her who acknowledged how bad Trump was, but insisted that their conscience couldn’t possibly allow them to vote for Clinton . So they voted 3rd party or not at all and when Trump won, they