
I listened to all seven available episodes in a row yesterday and really enjoyed it. The first half is more focused on the joy of discovery, and it's interesting and compelling. The last few episodes are more in the thriller/horror vein, but the narrative is pretty straightforward. It's exciting and compelling and has

I'll have to check that out too. Thanks for the rec.

I'll have to check out the Message. Since finishing/catching up with the three I've listened to, there's definitely been a hole in my listening schedule. Thanks for the recommendation!

I think what helps me get immersed in any podcast is I'm always doing something else while I'm listening. I can't just sit down and listen to something. I have to be occupied. So when I'm walking around town or going grocery shopping, the most potent stuff grabs my attention and won't let it go.

I've recently discovered a trio of really effective horror podcasts that I hope become more popular, because audio horror is really hard to do, yet when done well scares me more than anything else, in part because I'm usually doing something mundane, like dishes or grocery shopping, and my hearing is impaired due to

The movie. I've never read the book. I always thought that Bastion turning the pages was pushing the Nothing across the world of the book he was reading, affecting Atreyu and the characters he comes across.

I always thought The Nothing was the act of the reader turning pages. I don't really remember how the story ends, but in my memory (and it has been twenty years at least), there's no reveal of The Nothing, and it only ever pursues Atreyu, never catching up to him. By reading the book in the attic, Bastion is pushing