“Can I haz OZscar, yetz?” That is what Leo is thinking.
“Can I haz OZscar, yetz?” That is what Leo is thinking.
So, what is Kylie’s Bacon number?
You got bid and ugly Reese.
One would assume that being a level above human, cancer would be the first of our design flaws taken off the table. I mean cancer is the great equalizer of us all.
The Douche-Bag-ometer just flew off the charts. I’m predicting 100Mega-Winkelvosses, on the Bonaduce scale.
If i hit this button will Mo from Full Throttle jump out and yell at Ben?
Call me and we will switch places my number is 555-...-....! I would love to be alone for the holidays!
10 years too late.
What If I’m looking for a “less meaningful” and “more physical connection” is there a checkbox for that?
I never thought 2 companies would fight over this slogan but they did: “Sausages, They Give You Cancer! Backyard, Front Yard, patio.”
I don’t quite understand how the 16 year old could have a fair and impartial hearing when the judge presiding over it ...“slapped a 16-year-old boy during a meeting at a courthouse”. I’m pretty sure there is something in the constitution about that.
“Time Traveler Trolls Trump!” Read all about! All the news you can use for only a dime! Sunday paper’s a quarter!
Tidal is now following the I heart Radio business plan? A live show every 3 months?
does one get a discount on tickets if they bring Cheese-Wiz to The Wiz?
This image has been cropped so that you cannot see the grappling hooks and “ninja tools”.
So many knives, so many state/federal/hospitals/schools to not be allowed to carry them into.
A child laughing at a man with the mind of a child.
“My girls is looking at Ronnie! He always steals my girl! I’m gonna punch him in the face.... after I finish my pre-cal homework.
“Ronnie is so cute”