
My prediction. Belgium win 2-1. USA responds by going "Welp, guess I'll go back to making fun of soccer for another 3 and a half years now."

Just because our limited technology cannot identify with 100% certainty habitable planets or intelligent life, it does not mean that their technology cannot.

Careerist daughters will produce fewer grandchildren, making your whole life meaningless. Turns out that shooting yourself rather than doing the dishes is a valid choice

Left-handed people are right down there with people who abandon their starter Pokemon, as people who shouldn't be trusted.

True story: I beat Tyson as a kid. I was playing at the neighbor's house with their two kids and we were doing the typical 10-year old thing - playing video games all night until our eyes bleed. It was about midnight (Saturday) before I worked my way up to Tyson. I had faced him before and, like most people, got curb

I like that you point these things out because so many overlook them and others like them when speaking about a new technology. Oculus Rift is indeed going to suffer from many of the classic issues that a device like it suffers from. You are cutting yourself off from the outside world so use in things like

As if I want to strap on a face-hugger in order to enjoy my daily media/gaming consumption. Might as well be in a Matrix pod totally unaware of my surroundings and devoid of even peripheral real-world stimuli. I damn well hope it's a fad (given that it's Facebook-owned, it certainly will be). If there's a utility for

Not surprised.

When has big-business benefitted the poor and disenfranchised? Any trickle-down benefit occurred only because it wasn't worth the effort to be harvested/scoop up by those with the money and the means. Of course, even those trickle-down benefits can be exploited for their PR value....

Whadayamean Pandora's not real.

"Yes, there is a danger, but it's not arising form the viruses out there in the animals, it's arising from the labs of grossly ambitious people."

Nice. Considering the japanese almost never go to dentist.

we still haven't identified what these are all over Europe. I WANT TO BELIEVE!