Horshack Test

No, this same thing happened with TouchID when it was new. This is how you get page hits- just write something like this for whatever some hot subject is. The fact is that neither of these methods are as secure as using a complex PIN. They’re just more convenient. Convenience comes with lower security. If this is a

If you haven’t had it, Giordano’s is a life experience to be checked off. It’s not so much a pizza, as a 3-day commitment.

Thin crust - Aurelio’s

They exist outside of airports?

Gropes women, blatantly lies, loves Russia...

I’ll stick with my daily carry pepper spray, knife, and gun. They are way more effective than keys.

or a gun.

This Comedy Central ad is AWFUL please stop running it it’s so obnoxious/disruptive - it won’t let you scroll past.

In a story about a teen burned alive, here is a fun video ad about a comedy central show!

Something this story doesn’t mention: When Tellis was arrested for this crime, he was incarcerated in Louisiana awaiting trial for the torture and brutal murder of another young woman. He bragged to friends that he tortured that victim to death to make her give him her ATM pin, and he used her card to withdraw

No, correct terminology is important, especially when you are talking about legislation.

I don’t trust the republican who doesn’t understand how a woman’s reproductive system works to enact any reasonable healthcare for women.

That would effectively outlaw every weapon that holds more than one round - revolvers, semi-auto pistols, bolt-action, lever-action, pump-action and semi-auto rifles and shotguns.

I think words do matter.

Actually, no. It betrays ignorance on the topic. One of the legislators trying to reintroduce an Assault Weapons Ban in 2007 (after the first one expired) wanted to restrict barrel shrouds, but when asked on national television if she knew what it was, she had no idea. Similar ignorance is all over the place. If you

And usually that is the case, so I’m still surprised that the ATF went “Yeah, sure, that’s cool, I guess” not once but twice. And during the Obama administration, at that.

Usually a molding machine. They are assholes though.

“Basically, it let’s you pull the trigger once and empty an entire clip lickity split”.

I am a gun guy, ex Army and ex LEO. I had heard of a bump stock but I never got one nor have any of my friends. Shooting full auto is fun but it’s also expensive because ammo for rifles is never cheap to me at least. Making them go away is not a big deal for the vast majority of shooters. When they go the range they

Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.