“If you have a driver’s license, you should be able to operate a vehicle at 40 mph. ” In any car, under all conditions, on all roads? Bullshit.
You’re not even as cool as Bigbootie.
“Well, he’s recovering from laser-eye surgery—and judging from the cinematography, he’s not the only one. ” Ouch!
“Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction that emphasizes space warfare, melodramatic adventure, interplanetary battles, chivalric romance, and risk-taking.” -- wikipedia
“I changed my hairstyle, so many times now, I don’t know what I look like!”
Probably not happening if Jamaica is the main location. Maybe in the cold open?
I think the exchange in the version I saw a zillion years ago was: “You can be my wingman any time.” “No, you can be mine.”. But that isn’t necessarily the only version. Films often have different dialog for different markets. This doesn’t change the fact that Top Gun is gay as anything.
Google “rescue insurance”
I love that in Charlie Stross’s Laundry novels the two gay members of the Laundry (occult spy agency) are required to attend pride marches periodically to avoid the possibility of blackmail.
I love that in Charlie Stross’s Laundry novels the two gay members of the Laundry (occult spy agency) are required to attend pride marches periodically to avoid the possibility of blackmail.
Putin: “How do we get an agent past their damn security clearence system?”
I’ve been interviewed twice by DIA officers as a reference for other people. They ask a lot of interesting questions (you learn a lot about the person you’re acting as a reference for). Once the officer showed up unexpectedly and I’d just come back from field work. She was a very proper business-serious dressed typical…
They investigate your debt. If you’re carrying a normal amount of debt that you can service given your salary, it’s no problem. If you owe way more than you can believably pay to shady people, like say Deutsche Bank or Massage Parlor Tycoons.....
From whom? And at what price? When I drop you off, it’s 8 pounds of water or eight pounds of gold. Supposing you choose the gold, when I come back in a few hours eight ounces of water costs more than eight pounds of gold.
Zod knows how to party.
I suspect each link in the chain is like 20-50 miles for people who need to walk everywhere. Early Native Americans lacked riding and pack animals.
Cyborg Dick Cheney!