I was thinking more along the lines of putting some pins in a bone or two. I actually have a friend who runs a large-scale telemedicine project.
I was thinking more along the lines of putting some pins in a bone or two. I actually have a friend who runs a large-scale telemedicine project.
I’m guessing it’s more a lack of a top-flight orthopedics unit. This is a valuable movie star ankle were talking about. You wouldn’t take your Derby-winning horse to the local vet, would you?
Here’s a (probably not that original idea for replacing Craig). 007 wants to retire from the active service. They bring in some new meat fresh from the military and bump Craig’s Bond up to management. He helps the new 007 adapt to the job. We see that Bond/007 is an alias for one of the 00s. maybe even bring in…
I think that’s Willow Offgood.
In the last episode we find out the White Walkers were driven south by something worse..
Don’t worry the set dressers were all executed by dragon fire for leaving that cup out as were the folks responsible for color timing te big battle .
I think that case was a bit different, what with the massive buildings collapsing and rescue / recovery effort. I flew in right after the airports reopened, doing a big banked turn over what was left of towers was surreal.
“Shove” by L7
This actually looks pretty good, the premise of closing down Manhattan seems pretty silly though.
Still hoping for a Arya - Jaqen H’ghar buddy cop series
Maybe she just came from a big Skrull party and didn’t have time to change into her work clothes?
Nope the Newhart finale is number one..
I believe the book strongly suggests that the place gets it’s hooks into you somewhat like an addiction.
Shit weasels are only scary if you have had serious gut problems. Then super IBS is a lot more personal and scary.
Just the threat of that option has stopped several invasions
Do you get more or less super when you say that?
I’d say everyone looks generic unless there’s some specific reason to make someone look “ethnic”. I assume this is because giving everyone detailed race-appropriate facial features is expensive. One thing I find jarring is when an anime has it’s usual cast of generic-looking people (who are understood to be Japanese)…
Jon has only done it once, so far. Beric is on number six. Maybe it’s cumulative.
Westros has a shit ton of naturally-occurring Xanax in the water.
title? Because that sounds great!