
Theron with a dye job could work as Sma. That character needs to be Culture-standard tall, slim and dark haired (Banks definitely had a type). Is Halle Berry at all tall?  Maybe Nicole Kidman?   I imagine most of the small bots and suits as having annoying voices and minds and avatars having impressive voices. So

Great, now Ill always imagine “Cheradenine Zakalwe” as Bruce Willis.

The astrophysicists were all busy answering questions about physical chemistry.

Explains the science behind Rick and Morty”? More like randomly name checks a few concepts that Rick and Morty played with.  Whoever edited that piece made Dr. Boedicker look pretty incoherent.

Holy Crap, I just realized he looks like a seriously bloated Prince.

But then you miss out on the plucky charm of Martha Quinn!

But then you don’t get the plucky charm of Martha Quinn.

Or we can spend a fortune on 2 minutes of monochrome wireframe animations!

Lets just rotascope everything, it’s an amazing new technology.

Shockwaves is awesome (and terrible and sllooowwwww). One of my favorite late night monster movies as a teenager. 

Or a Shockwave prequil. There seem to be a awful lot of nazi zombie movies..

And the Best John Wayne Impersonation by a Real Actor” award goes to kurt Russell!

Jack Burton is the comedy relief sidekick who thinks hes the hero. Also, Egg Shen is pretty damn competent.

I think Carpenter is having a bit of fun with us. A “They Live sequel “might be closer to reality than you think.”because its real life. The original was about nasty capitalist free-loading aliens controlling us for their profit. There is a class of wealthy con artists who make their money moving other peoples money

Gender bending is 14th dan sinanju. Masters like Chiun can even turn into household appliances.

O Brother didnt seem nihilistic to me. 

her outfit references multiple previous incarnations of the doctor.

Thatd be us (the USA). Except we usually kneecap them, toss them a big pile of bandaids, wander off and pat ourselves on the back about how we saved them. Sometime repeatedly.

Black helicopters from RIAA descend on Pinkies house...

Black helicopters from RIAA descend on Pinkies house...