Well, we ARE entirely different beings.
Well, we ARE entirely different beings.
Maybe, maybe not. We just don’t know at this point.
upvoted for obscure science fiction reference!
Preppers would be better off thinking seriously about where their water will come from. Otherwise they’ll end up desiccated corpses surrounded by piles of cool gadgets and vacuum-sealed coffee.
He’s a little thought experiment (I’m not picking on you BTW). Suppose I drop you off in a desert fifty miles from the nearest habitation and I give you a choice of 8 pounds of water or 8 pounds of gold. Which do you choose? Which has “value”?
The problem isn’t that “good men” aren’t getting enough credit. The problem is that bad men get away with treating women like garbage. When society has stopped excusing bad men for acting badly, maybe it’ll have time to pat “good men” on the head.
or dangerous lunatics
The first rule for getting outta the hole you’ve dug for yourself is to stop digging.
Rule of cool
That fatty can roll like nobody’s business. He got clean away.
That’s called “The failure to stop drill” or “Mombasa technique”. It’s a fast double tap to the center of mass and a careful follow-up to the head if required. Michael Mann loves it for some reason, I guess it “looks professional”. Supposedly elite counter terrorism units train for double taps to the head assuming…
Since pedantic is something we do here, Matt is the CIA agent, Steve is DEA and Alejandro works for “whoever will set him loose on the people who killed his family”.
It looks like some silly bump firing technique. Why would you ever need to do that? Expert pistol shots can empty a handgun precisely on multiple targets in a couple of seconds. Just google “IPSC pistol finals”.
I’m in, can we stop for cappuccino on the way?
Draw’s pistol..
That’s my line!
Shouted: No there aren’t! (whispered: dammit your supposed to play it cool, were you asleep at the last meeting? ).
you’ve misspelled “booze”.
Sure you can tell a woman’s age on the radio, when you know who they are. Also, nobody said they were doing it against their will.
How long into 2017 did it last?