“Well, sure he’s a child molester, but at least he’s humble and full of good will.” Somehow, I don’t think “team spirit” get’s one off on these charges.
“Well, sure he’s a child molester, but at least he’s humble and full of good will.” Somehow, I don’t think “team spirit” get’s one off on these charges.
Just kill off his character in some nasty way and then continue as if nothing has happened.
So has anyone started a pool as to which long-term abusive creep gets outed next?
Zod, baby. Just super glad to see you in the Kinjaverse. Did Xenu make it through the wormhole?
Feldman has been making these accusations for years and nobody took him seriously. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Only if he were asking the perpetrators for the money. Otherwise, it’s just making lemonaid from lemons.
I always feel sorry for these guys. No real childhood, a bunch of fame while still really young and then relegated to d-class celebrity. Christ.
Hummm, Zod is perilously close to waking up. Better go with a class 2 misdirect and a level 3 reprogramming... Crap, did I just say that out loud?
You are a bunch of primitive poo-flinging monkeyboys, whereas I am an evil alien overlord.
Very good.
You are a good parent.
Frankenstein is as much a science fiction story as it is a horror story. “It can be more than one thing.”
A small nit, the helicopter crew is Norwegian not American. That is important since they tell the main characters what is going on, but are not understood (since they’re speaking Norwegian). That’s called a “plot point” by the way. The film is an alegory about paranoia and infection which came out during the height of…
See approximately 1/2 of romcoms. It’s definately a trope. But it’s totally different when it’s someone’s boss. It’s completely inappropriate to proposition someone who works for you, period..
Wyeah, I’ve been wondering why they decided not to delay while towns are burning in northern California.
Especially the guy who survived. I’ve heard him in interviews. It’s not easy being th e”lucky” one.
They are lucky to make $25,000 a year, maybe a bit more.
It isn’t.
I, too have met a lot of women wildland fire fighters. I even met a all female state crew a few years ago (they were inmates working for AZ Fire). Some crews are all male, many are mixed. I’d guess that somewhere between 20 and 30% of wildland fire fighters are women (at least in northern Arizona). The percentage is a…