
The entire family looks ridiculous. They have to know that, right? It’s a joke?

Is there a way to acknowledge all that while also allowing slaves, in our cultural narrative, the sexual drive and agency of all adults?

I’m not saying art isn’t valuable. Polanski made great movies.

Honestly, I don’t know. I struggle hard with things like this and I don’t have an answer. Gandhi was a shithole wife abuser. MLK Jr. cheated on his wife multiple times. Jefferson raped slaves and talked about how great the institution was for making money. So-called “great men” cannot keep their fucking dicks in their

Maybe the moms are afraid of the baby.

As a never-to-be mom, I really have no horse in this race. I do think the store was completely in the wrong here. That said, I do have a big Liz Lemon eye roll for any mothers that talk about how their kids “can’t wait” (They can. They may not like it, but they can.) to eat and they refuse to let their poor babies

no julia roberts is notoriously mean.

I totally believe Hugh Grant is an asshole, but I also totally think none of those actresses are “down to earth” in real life.

I don’t know how I feel about making celebrity favoritism part of operational policy. He’s an actor, not a head of state.

I’m not trying to get into a big thing, but why are Jewish people upset when people say that Jewish people killed Jesus Christ? It’s true. Jesus Christ was Jewish too.

I like Mel Gibson, he certainly put his foot in his mouth. But he was a great actor and I loved Passion of the Christ.

Now playing

This video shows one dude in the middle of the street getting hit by a car. It’s shocking but it’s not as this post says “driving through a group of protestors who had gathered and were blocking the street.”

How about the asshole(s) that fired 20+ rounds at a car? You know, the piece of shit that tried to murder someone and risked the lives of numerous other people.

Bald guy here. Are you an anti baldist? I fuckin’ rock this look.

We don’t. If we do we are dead inside.

What happened to him was directly because they are insufferable. The Dad has proven to have an agenda and he used his son to provoke a reaction. They caused all of the problems and the poor kid has a warped father. Being Muslim has barely anything to do with this except it was used as ammunition by Dad.

He was charged with being in possession of an air gun, if I recall from the article.

Yep, there’s been nothing gun related in the news lately that would cause this kind of concern. Nothing at all. Nope. Not a thing.

I think he’s like anyone person who just discovered these social movements. I’m sure many of us were pretty insufferable when we discovered certain causes. Besides, we should always try to embrace men, even young ones..heck, specifically young ones... to have a knee jerk reaction that a teenager is a future groper as

wow. that was so unnecessarily rude and aggressive.