
Yeah - I’m going to disagree with Jerry - Neanderthal on this one, but admitting that being a young teenager didn’t make me the most cognizant. I think whoever was in that term was going to face the fallout of Reagan economics and the results of the market crash of 1987. I’m not saying he was our best president, nor

Vomit, pretzels, shoes...you can count on the Bushes to bring the prop comedy!

What about Sean Hannity? How come no one asks Sean Hannity? Call Sean Hannity. Call Sean Hannity.

Oh no, believe me I’m absolutely an alcoholic. The plight I find myself in and what makes me feel hopeless about being able to ever quit is that I’m incredibly antisocial, so I prefer to hang out at home, but I get bored and lack any kind of motivation, so I pass the time by drinking. I’m scared of what I’ll be doing

Thanks for the support guys, ya’ll are awesome! I’m still trying to figure out how to start the process, but every day I feel more and more motivated to make a change for the better

Pretty much same boat. If this shit goes through, I’m just going to well.... (I don’t want to trigger anyone) :(

Yep... Rubes who can’t even articulate the source of their grievances, they just love him. He can’t articulate either, and he’s in charge, so they get off vicariously.

The gold Sharpie was the detail that really did me in, but— the quarter-century-long vendetta is really the meat of the act. The way his fury just hasn’t relented over the decades, even by one notch. Can anybody know such a fact about a person, and still believe that that person is sane?

Trump totally made the “small hands” thing for HIMSELF.... He Streisanded himself right into that notoriety. Some 25 years ago, Graydon Carter referred to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian”, a pithy epithet that would’ve gone unnoticed/ dropped into obscurity, if only Trump hadn’t latched onto it and made it a HUGE

Live by the sword, die by the sword... or is lay down with dogs, get up with fleas more appropriate?

It’s also the entire story of Parshah Vayeira in the Torah.

The fact that my fellow Christians voted for a man who is pretty much the antithesis of a moral person still angers me.

The whole lot of them are acting like cornered animals right now. It’s delicious.

“Winter Eagle’s Nest” is pure gold. Damn!

He’s had enough advice from lawyers over the years to have a general sense of how this game is played. Trump is not a smart man, but he is cunning, and his sense of self-importance knows no bounds.

I don’t think he was paid off. I think he realized that the FBI is Trump Country, and was trying to get ahead of the inevitable leaks by releasing the information himself in a controlled, measured manner in order to protect the only thing that matters to him — the image and reputation of the FBI. I don’t actually

Are you referring to Roger Stone? Because his Twitter meltdown last night was epic.

Very important also to note that MANY of the people detained in immigration detention centers like this are people with green cards, NOT undocumented individuals.

Indeed! Works for a bunch of books about women written by men it seems....

Wait, what? I have a suggestion if you have the energy — report your lawyer to the Bar Association. What she told you was BS. Is she sleeping with your ex? That would be her only excuse for recusing herself, and dropping your case with no notice and letting your rights be bled away because she has decided to wander