
My family, until the current generation, were old-school WASP (we have mixed it up a bit in the current incarnation, at long last). I like to point out that whatever nobility the rest of white America prefers to fantasize it has descended from, my own people are over here pretty much because we were abysmal failures

I’ve had the discussion with Her, and what it comes down to for us (especially Her), is very simple: a human can easily take care of all of its needs. A dog can’t.

In 2015 I lost my canine companion of 15 years. I don’t need to be reminded of that. It doesn’t get easier, even if you’ve gone through it more than once.

Ma Finch, as a twelve-year-old, had to take her two younger sisters to see Bambi. She said the only reason they weren’t evicted from the theatre because of the wailing was because every other child was doing the same thing.

A dog would never need to be reincarnated because they know everything they need to know about love and kindness already. (Of course is my girl Spanky wants to reincarnate I would be ecstatic to have her with me again, hell, I’d be happy with just one more day.)

My dog is a rescue dog, and he knows what it’s like to be beaten. That wrecks me every time I think about it.

Thanks for rememering. As for my life’s trove of memories and stories, they come out organically and sparingly. But do stay tuned! You never know what trigger will bring one forth.

I don’t know. I comment less and less here on political posts especially because it’s become rather an echo chamber: you either agree 110% or you are an apostate who needs to be flogged. I think disagreement and debate are healthy provided it’s done in a civil and respectful manner so I think this flat sucks. It does

I have been flooded with myriad angry responses that accuse me of suggestioning we ignore all hate speech (how dare I!), look how it worked out for trump (cause politicians and provocateurs like Milo are one in the same), disdainful dismissals because I’m privileged (it was showing, glad they let me know before I

They should absolutely protest, but peacefully—and not with a goal of shutting it down. It’s counterproductive and plays right into his hand—EXACTLY what he wants.

Disruption =/= free speech.

What is hate speech? Who gets to define it? Is there any evidence to support your claim that banning hate speech will reduce hatred in society?

You know you lost that exchange then acted like a sore loser.

But... you’re defending totalitarianism. Every totalitarian thinks they are doing it for the right reasons.

I don’t know why you’re gray... you’re absolutely correct.

I know people will bring in cartoons explaining that free speech in the constitution only refers to the government repressing speech, but there is a concerning trend about speech being suppressed in universities. I despise this POS, but I’m worried about what we will have accomplished by shutting down his and his

You’re absolutely right. I believe in free speech, and it makes me frustrated when this sort of thing happens, regardless of who is being kept from speaking. At the same time, I’d love nothing more than to hear that Milo had spontaneously combusted from all the self-loathing.

What if people just ignored him? Let him wow the college republicans on campus with his rhetoric and then go home. He thrives on drama and outrage, otherwise his whole act suffers. He makes the news and racks up viral videos when he says awful things to and about liberals and protestors who come to his events so how

pretty much..