
Fair enough - I didn’t claim to have great answers to anything, and I wouldn’t want any consensual relationship to be considered taboo. Agree about how conservatism has been trying to co-opt feminism for a while - although i see that more in the type of consumerist, Lean In, Girl Power bullshit. ‘Equitable peers’

My point is that the Russians are thinking long-term strategically about the opening up of the Arctic to increased trade, mining, etc, thanks to ice melting.

Isn’t it reassuring to know that he ended up a highly paid Fox contributor for 15 years, after having his multitude of felony charges dismissed?

Planted the Russian flag under the ice on the North Pole almost a decade ago already. Only country that produces nuclear icebreakers as well - although thanks to anthropogenic warming, the Arctic will probably be mostly ice-free by 2070, and already there’s a mostly transversable northwest passage during summers. Nice

Yea, through coincidental timing, and some personal shit I’m going through, I guess this touched a slight nerve - but I really don’t think I’ve commented on anything related otherwise, especially multiple times in multiple pieces? About fucking gossip? It’s funny, I mostly comment on political articles and get

Equitable peers in a caste system right here, my friend:) With the women and/or helpless children rightfully - although perhaps insidiously? kept out of sight, as God and nature intended.

Ouch, that’s shitty - sorry, and good for you for hanging on and fighting in an environment that is predisposed to disvalue what you can contribute. Wish you all the monies and accolades and success.

Fuck, that is by far the longest - and dare-I-say only! long screed on a celebrity relationship I have ever made. Goddamnit. If only I hadn’t seen the post right after I finished rewatching Pi during the fallout from this type of relationship shit, I wouldn’t feel any desire to spout off about this irrelevant

I think it’s kind of rude to assume that people who only seem interested in hookers and blow can’t also hold intellectual conversations on complex issues! ;)

It’s practically a suburb! Desert rats would have no shame in scavenging some herb; nor should they. Shit, not like I would turn it down in a pinch, and I’m a self-respecting beach bum :)

The East Jesus residents will be grateful.

First thing I thought - although.... any weed that’s only 60 bucks a quad must be schwaggy as fuck.

You’re so sure that he actually leaves his “authoritativeness” in the bedroom, and not that he’s just learned to be savvy enough to otherwise conceal it?

Yea, it’s certainly ok, and not even on my concerns list - but I just went on a spree of rewatching my favorite Arronovsky films, and this does make me lose a smidgen of respect for him. I actually respect these kinds of relationships more when they’re just fuck buddies- it seems more honest as to what each partner is

Yup- the subjective power of the mind interpreting anything initially vague is the best sort of Rorschach’s test, and just gets baked in with time.

My favorite relationship song.

I’m afraid i’m one of the lyrically dyslectic/illiterate.

Ah, yes, this guy is the prophet who predicted Trump as the Nebudchanezzer who will bring about the destruction of Babylon and the restoration of Holy Law; or the Cyrus who will end Babylonian captivity, or... something.

You sound like me. And it’s so hard when I have nothing else I can do that’s worthwhile, have isolated myself from everyone, etc... but drunk me is more fun and happy and sociable, a great cook, kept my place immaculately clean and well-decorated, etc. it’s hard to fill the void, especially when I feel I’ve already

Yea... same. Been trying, but life has been falling apart from so many angles, feels like being shitfaced is the only way to keep from constantly curling up alone and sobbing - you know how it is... Recently diagnosed with fatty liver too, and reading the George Michael thread of people who died of it in their early