Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina
Fahrenheit 451?
Jurassic Park! (Although, I cant help being a slightly pedantic snob and thinking Chriton book shouldn’t be considered literary ;)
I just feel like I’ve lost all hope for the future of this country. We’re not all coming out of this ok.
Wendi struck me as absolutely soulless, amoral, conniving, manipulative, and power-hungry long before Twitler declared his candidacy, since her days as a teenage exchange student. Not many people could make Rupert Murdoch seem comparitavely sympathetic. And the Kushners credit her with (manipulatively, of course)…
Twitler had Jackson’s portrait hung right behind his desk in the Oval Office; a mass-murdering authoritarian, court-defying populist to look up to, literally.
Should also include the prevalence of infanticide throughout history. Almost no societies considered it a crime to abandon a child outside in the cold, to wild animals, when the family was unable to support it, or if it was disabled. This whole displaced reverence in favor of the unborn and infants among…
Oh, I think he’s immensely, vainly proud of his Alpha Business Man suits. He did make sure Spicey pointed out that he doesn’t own a bathrobe - he only wanders the White House halls late at night in his suit of armor!
I don’t particularly want to step into this one- but it’s easy enough to point out that he may be LGBT, we don’t know. Even if not - it would have been understandable to think the Maddoff boys would be fine no matter what, as well - until Andrew hung himself with a dog leash while his toddler slept. Seems better to…
In fairness, I do like to get along and pick flowers; although interspaced with a lot of working and learning.
Thanks, understood :)
Yes. The entire Unplugged album, and especially that song.
All of the most painful moments in my life, Kurt’s voice has been the soundtrack as I cried on the floor.
I apologize for not responding to you earlier. Thank you very much for such a kind, thoughtful response - and more importantly, for the work you’re doing for PP. I hope you (have had?) an incredible rally. You’re out front doing important work against sick assholes, for the benefit of most of the world. I’m grateful…
I spent too time on that earlier thread (main reason I’ve been avoiding the whole thing for my own sanity), but I stand behind what I said there, for which I was called a concern troll. My argument did touch on free speech, but it would be an inaccurate misrepresentation to simplify it to that, and for fuck’s sake I…
Anyone else immediately reminded of Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Israeli tanks?
I honestly wish you the best, but can’t help but to be jealous. You have a fiancé, a career, and a family to look forward to. I would give anything to go back to my college years and have those opportunities again, rather than this painful slog towards early death, unable to shut out the buffoonish insanity…
Yea, same here - but way past the point of being able to semi-joke about it. I’ve truly lost all hope for myself and our country; no future.