Sorry for the late response. But!
Sorry for the late response. But!
I know what you mean - but they were well-intentioned and had a good ethical viewpoint. After all, I can’t stick to strict veganism, and own leather, so it would be hypocritical to claim the moral high ground to the exclusion of everyone else. It was a child being abused in the movie, too - so another helpless loving…
Yup. I saw the trailer for this, and thought “Hell no”. I don’t even want to think of my dog passing on, although of course I’ll have to deal with it before too long. Why on the green earth would I want to watch something about it for entertainment? (Although I suppose you could make that argument about a lot of…
I am in the midst of moving 3 giant boxes of books to a new place. They are terrible to move. I have already read (almost) all of them. It would be more practical by far to give them to Goodwill.
No, you shouldn’t, but justice is imperfect, and unfortunately liability is usually only found after the breach.
Yes, I did know about this incident - it’s what I was referring to. I hope she sues and wins big - although, as I’ve mentioned, he purposefully dances right on the line of criminal incitement, or anything that would entail liability. In the article you mentioned, he purposefully doesn’t specifically name anyone, to…
Do you really think that not allowing this one speaker will stop anyone from being afraid? There are many, many other ways that people can be organized to threaten someone - the internet, for example. You’re assuming both that trans people would all have the same opinion on the matter, and that I don’t know what it’s…
It’s depressing, isn’t it? Can’t we debate strategy and tactics without being shouted down and accused of bigotry? I’ve had so many people denouncing “my side” - I thought we were on the same side? Like - if you think I’m your enemy, you don’t realize what we’re up against, and we have no chance of success if everyone…
Thanks for seriously debating me on this, it is a legitimate argument with good faith on both sides, and dismissing any difference of opinion as “empty rhetoric and garbage” is just mirroring the right- let’s try to be better than that.
I very specifically said I am only uncomfortable with denying the “hosting” of a speaker, not that I am uncomfortable with protests of what any speaker may be saying. Those are two very different things, and conflating them misrepresents my point. As does asking questions with a false premise, such as “Why don’t you…
I understand the constitutional free speech issues at play here (or lack thereof, to be more precise), that’s not really what I was speaking about. The argument is really over whether a group of students should be allowed to silence and disallow a speech by someone who they consider illegitimate. The other students…
We should be able to have a discussion about the best tactics and strategy to combat a far greater looming threat without devolving into base ad hominem declarations and dismissals.
Yes, but letting some authority decide what counts as hate speech is tyranny.
Oh, for sure he knew, and intended harm. That doesn’t mean he’s directly responsible. Ugh, I really don’t want to get into legalese in any defense of the prick, but it’s not quite incitement, and those who actually made threats shouldn’t be granted any cover.
You’re right - sometimes force can only be met with force, protest with protest. And I can’t pretend to know what is right for each situation.
But he wasn’t literally the one who threatened her (I am Not excusing or apologizing for him in any way - he’s the lowest of the low). I understand where you’re coming from - and just ‘ignoring’ the hateful evil forces in our world won’t stop them, I agree. In these kinds of circumstances, however, trying to silence a…
It definitely will be a leftist debate - hopefully a civil one - and I agree with your points in many ways. There’s really not a great solution.
I don’t think ignoring him is a matter of privilege, but strategy. Due to the protest, he’s getting much more attention from mainstream outlets than would have happened if he’d just blabbered on to an audience of already-converted idiots. Protesting his speach just gives him ammunition, and harms core liberal ideals.
Sure he should have been allowed, as long as normal procedures were followed. As said above, trying to restrict this kind of thing just lets it fester more, and validates their claims of victim hood and censorship. The best thing to do would be to let that smarmy sociopathic piece of shit twist in the wind talking to…
I think that’s the biggest problem - once a parent feels justified in administering light spanking on the butt for the worst misbehavior, it’s too easy for them to escalate that when they’re furious to smacking them in the face, throwing them down the hall, beating them with objects, etc. And then laughing at the…