
By the way - and I normally hate to rub it in, but with your ridiculous combativeness it’s too perfect of a set-up - you’ve made yourself look like a zealous fool, and have only harmed the credibility of the cause you purport to espouse.

And then there’ll be plenty of canon-fodder for their upcoming war to save western civilization. Poor, uneducated, unwanted desperate people make the most willing soldiers. Just look at the jihadists - Christian and Muslim.

No, that plays right into his hand- a bunch of protesters drawing more attention to his “provocations”, legitimizing his status, and further inflating his ego.

There are worse paths than enlisting for corporate whoredom, at the expense of the type of people you came up around - but it relinquishes all respect or claims to altruism.  

Thank god! Now we have someone who will steal your money to pay off loans to Deutsche Bank, Russian creditors, corporate welfare, and maybe a skeleton’s share for those poisoned by EPA malfeasance.


You obviously did not read the article I posted either; it was not specifically about sexual assault, but did reference it.

The article was about lawmakers seeking bans on porn, in the aim of preventing sexual offenses. I was arguing against a casaul connection between viewing porn and assaults, and in favor of a more permissive attitude towards sexuality, especially among teenagers, as a way to foster healthier and happier sexual

Yes, that’s what I wrote. Reading comprehension, especially upthread where you were mentioned that teenagers - girls- aren’t even aware that groping is sexual asssult, would show that nowhere did I infer that they were at fault for being assaulted. Nor did I say that this would stop sexual assault. It refers to how an

You’re might want to re-read this thread for better comprehension, using those critical thinking skills. I never said anything about any victim deserving assault for not reacting better, in any way. You are reading into my words a narrative that’s only in your head, and ignoring what I’ve actually written and the

You’re not doing anyone any good behaving this way, cutting off well-meaning allies. What I said is that actual mutual sexual enjoyment helps people-particularly young women - realize that sexual assault is a different type of beast entirely, that they shouldn’t put up with.

Um, yes, that was exactly my point. That i think actual sexual enjoyment will help teens realize that sexual assault is completely different, and not fun.

I’m guessing there hasn’t been a lot of past government inquiries for comparison, though. I think it might partly be a factor of youthful naïveté, too. A lot of those sameness things happened to me when I was a teenager 15-20 years ago, too - not that there wasn’t porn then, as well - but I laughed it off at the time

Is there an actual increase? Or are more girls that age just aware of it, and that’s it’s wrong?

I don’t think it’s necessarily a path leading to what someone would consider a ‘normal’ sex life - but it isn’t not necessarily such a path, either (sorry for the double-negative).

Oh I’m sure a technically legal actual brothel would be difficult - but brothels are weird anyways. There’s plenty of ways to find independent providers in your area, though, who you can verify, and who take the precautions necessary to verify you and ensure everyone’s safety and comfort reasonably well. Less risk

Oh, I agree, that’s much too long. That’s what I meant -I was over it way before then

Fair enough. No point in pushing the risk/reward ratio when it’s not worth it to you. I would bet though, especially around a base, that one could suss out at least a few established people who take the proper precautions and are verified. Cops and military officers tend to be reliable, bread-and butter customers, and

Seems like you have good priorities for a good life - and obviously not everything is everyone’s cup of tea. Especially if you’re in a really busy phase, sexy stuff can fall by the wayside. Thanks for the goodwill:) At the risk of overstepping my boundaries, though, if you ever feel a curious, or an urge for a little