
I wish I could at least contribute, and feel like I’m doing some good. Since the election I’ve been evicted and filed for bankruptcy, along with being unemployed. I’ve tried to volunteer for refugee programs, and have at least been able to help out at soup kitchens- but with so many charities, they really just want

Yes, all those lives thrown away, for nothing. And from that perspective I can see how some vets and their families can’t admit that it was a pointless war; same as in Iraq, it’s so incredibly painful to think that someone you love was sacrificed in vain. It doesn’t make it not true, though, and clinging to the idea

Yea - that’s the problem for me, at least. Along with a visceral hatred of owning a tool whose only purpose is to extinguish life - guns are not that easy to actually use, especially in an extremely tense situation. Ive fired probably half a dozen guns in my life - and loading it, making sure it doesn’t jam, not

My dad got drafted for Vietnam. He says now that having had anything to do with it is the most shameful thing in his life, and in many ways he wished he escaped to Canada instead - but it would have meant leaving behind my older brother, who had just been born.

I cut of about half of my social circle over this; I don’t want to spend any more of my life around people who are that stupid and immoral.

I would almost give her more credit if she was that consciously calculating. I’m sure she does want as large a share as possible, but I think that she’s internalized pleasing daddy and being the special pampered princess to such an extent that I doubt she can even conceive of being cut out in any way. She’s the

I’m so sorry. Wish I could say something better, but you’re probably numb right now anyways. I’m so sorry, love and hugs to you and your family. Try to maybe read a novel or something where you can’t be ambushed by more bullshit, and take a walk outside. Love and hugs

That is so sickening.

The world still looked ok to you st 10 this morning? I’m jealous.

Cheers and bottoms up from San Diego, where people who find SF too cold and foggy live.

I just had to explain to a Trump voter the concept of a zero-sum game.

“Look at my wife! She’s hot. Therefore I’m better than you and your ugly wife. #winning!”

If they were people capable of self-awareness, this would be so goddamn embarrassing.

It’s so sickening - almost the best way people like us to try to combat bigotry is to give in to it...

Some people are unable to comprehend how a person could “reasonably” flee from a police officer, after a lifetime of experienced prejudice against them from authority figures - but can find it completely “reasonable” to kill someone who fled from those authority figures in a panic.

That’s what - maybe- blows my mind the most: he is so narcicistically delusional that he actually thinks he can “negotiate” better than everyone else on the planet. By just making whatever simple demands would seem to favor the US on the surface, and expecting all other sides to immediately cave in to his evidently

That’s a good series! Not very feel-good, though...

Ohhh, I just noticed that typo now.

It’s one of the first things I thought of Nov 9 - concurrent with the election results, Assad and Peyton felt free to kill more civilians in Syria, without fear of repercussions.

Fair enough - and I didn’t mean to attack or criticize you in my reply, either. I’m fairly cynical myself, and don’t want to easily submit to post-factualism.