Is it just me or is jeter turning into Donald trump?
I feel like this is an old gangster film...
I purposefully threw my impact test in college for that reason as well. I also lied about how many concussions I had in high school. But I played golf not really a serious risk for head injuries.
Im pretty sure this is an Olympic event come 2028 in both men and lesbian divisions
It’s times like these I must get on my soap box and warn all the good people of dolphin rape and the end of the world
the best part of his night was the god awful bunt he actually laid down in his next ab
I can’t believe Ray stooped so low as to go on The Herd with that dildo of a human
Don’t be such a dickhead...
Always look for an excuse to post this
If Dozier would have said something do you think the “veteran leadership” in the locker room would have allowed their rookie to take crap from the other team? In good news we’ll hopefully have some good baseball beef when these teams meet in Minnesota on July 5.
Magic was the same way and they said there would never be another 6'9" pg who can handle the rock like him
Deer Park for the win
It’s like riding on a virginia tech lacrosse bus
5. Getting hit by a bus
Not all N words are equal clearly these girls aren’t yelling out the window to people on the corner. they’re just singing a song the real outrage is allowing LD aka firm hand shake aka leftward sloping penis to use the N bomb in his songs. But in times like these we must ask is it racist? Yes, yes it is racist.
It could always be worse...
Sonce when did the March for life go from abortion to find. Pick a unique slogan damnit.