“I calls you Chris handsome”
“I calls you Chris handsome”
“Why don’t you stop by my house Mr Moore.”
Who dat?
I hate windhorst so much jonah hill is guilty by association
No need to bring jump ball Joe into this he’s happy on his couch in New Jersey
Was John Daly trolling Ray Allen wearing those Celtics themed pants? Does John know Ray wasn’t invited to the championship anniversary? So many unanswered questions
Rudy obviously France isn’t a shithole country just shitheads live there like in every country. America is the biggest shithole of them all in times like these.
“I know someone who spent time with Kraft last weekend;”
Lavar Ball: “Trump deserves 4 more years”
He’s got pictures of Goodell fucking Brady? Not surprising that’s why he was so butt hurt over the deflategate scandal.
The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.
To quote the great Ron white
“convincing Brady he could prevent concussions and sunburns.”
Then he couldn’t answer how big his penis is even though the fans shouted it at him all game
Shouldn’t have had that popcorn