You don’t know what a wawa is don’t tell me youd never been to royal farms?
You don’t know what a wawa is don’t tell me youd never been to royal farms?
He wasn’t heckling Austin because he is his own worst enemy and doesn’t need demeaning fan to tell him how shitty he is
Then one day you wake up and you’re the climbing bro...
Missing kicks must run in the family
Finally some positive news for old eldrick.
Your “an RT” in the headline is grammatically incorrect
Eli needs a change of scenery
Don’t worry they’d miss the extra point
1:the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
When I read the headline I pictured 1000 middle schoolers play runescape like the world of world craft episode of south park
Fool proof
100% agree while his actions were sickening he shouldn’t have been suspended at all. He even married the woman he hit. I’m a feminist anyway I believe we’re all equal and hitting a woman isn’t worse then hitting man or anyone.
You had me hanging for a punch line.
What happens when the concussion watcher gets a concussion?
Professor Choas
That laugh at the end is troubling yet strangely familiar...
Racism is bad, but that was a terrible flop by James looked like something straight out of the WWF... or the NBA
Goodell is like Flacco way overpaid for mediocre performance
On a good note at least Trump is over in China to tell Xi to not throw them in a work camp for 20 years.