
Is it wrong of me to simultaneously feel surprised and disappointed that these shitheads survived? So that they can get their slap on the wrist because nobody else got hurt, and hey, nothing bad can ever happen to rich males?

Where are your gloves, mister?!

As both a trans person and a car enthusiast this is lunacy... Fuck Russia indeed!!!

As someone that lives in VA, it's harder than it may seem. The speed limits are ridiculously low throughout towns and cities across the state. I recall one day I was driving down a road where 35-40 mph would very easily be a safe speed, but the speed limit was 25-30. A city cop came up behind me. Do you know how

Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.

This better be televised. We need A LOT more racing to be on TV. Just think of how much better TV would be instead of this:

So here's how this works. Coming into the race, HAM is 17 points ahead, will be 24 after this race, and if they finish the same way next week it'll be 31. Due to the BS doubling of points, if some bad luck comes HAM's way in Abu Dhabi he won't win the championship despite winning 11 times. The double points is a

Are the really "pushing boundaries", though? Their goal is to sell sub-orbital joy rides to rich people. None of what Virgin is doing is in pursuit of real scientific advancement or exploration. It sounds like they've been taking questionable risks with inherently unsafe propulsion technologies and canceled their

Obama's legacy? This mess didn't happen with Obama. It didn't happen starting in 2008. All of the ingredients have been brewing for decades, even back to the days of the Ottoman Empire. You have the consciousness of a short-lived gnat!

Sure it is the best smart phone you can buy that can't use Tasker, has artificially limited NFC capability, has no way of customizing your desktop, can't use desktop widgets of any kind, can't change battery, can't add a memory card, permanently bends in your pocket, etc. etc.

If your manhood is so fragile as to be sacrificed should you be known to drive a minivan, it's not the minivan that's the issue.

Are you the Head Man In Charge at the One Uppers Club?

And that happened.... 60 years ago. We fought a war with Vietnam since then, and we can openly travel there (and openly trade with them). China's also a Communist country, and they're our #1 trading partner.

Lift the stupid embargo!