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    One of my favorite things about doing an MSc in London was watching all the Brits stammer whenever a classmate from South or East Asia would go on a rant about how much they thought British tea sucked.

    Lolz Jerry Springer has a JD from Northwestern and used to be the Mayor of Cincinnati, he is *significantly* more qualified to talk to a bunch of people graduating law school than LiLo is (not that I wouldn’t enjoy hearing from her!)

    I really appreciate you writing about this issue! A slight quibble with the headline, though (which I can appreciate that you maybe weren’t even responsible for), it’s not true that these laws aren’t being challenged in court. The Arizona law you mention for example was repealed specifically in response to litigation

    I feel like part of being a teen since at least the days of easy access to movie rentals/movies on cable was having roughly equivalent access to all movies regardless of when they actually came out, something I imagine is only more true now that teens can stream everything. Yeah I saw plenty of things in theaters, but

    I mean its name is the Public, it is not literally a public theater. They have a very downtown sensibility and put on a lot of things that would/did alienate large swathes of the public. It’s where shows like Hair and the Normal Heart debuted off-Broadway. Last year I went to a musical there about the Black Panthers

    First, the answer to your question is “a few months ago,” they literally just raised fares this year on the monthly and weekly passes (they also cut the bonus you get for putting money on a pay-per-ride card from 11% to 5%). They raised the base fare two years ago.

    Intense free speech absolutism is a solid example of why people should try to live in other places for a bit if they’re able to, or at least we should have to learn more about them. That’s not to say people wouldn’t ultimately arrive at the same conclusion they’re at now, but Americans really don’t seem to grasp what

    Dave Chappelle is a smart dude. He is thoughtful about how people engage with his work. For exmaple, he’s been pretty open about how uncomfortable he was when white people started laughing too hard at his portrayals of black stereotypes on Chappelle’s Show in a way that made it clear they were laughing at, not with,

    I mean first this is just silly because most successful comedians are, on the whole, pretty progressive, especially if compared to a randomly selected person from the general US population (Dave Chappelle included). But this bullshit they pull where they insist they are “radical truth tellers”whose words are important

    Um, doesn’t this mean she might be getting kicked off tonight? I mean I know I would never have assumed she would be kicked off this early, because she seems to be one of the 2-3 of them he is legitimately into, but like you also maybe just posted a spoiler for tonight’s episode in the headline of this post?

    It’s the lower-rated of the two so I think they view it as less of a “risk” or something gross like that.

    Can you please let me know where to send my resume to be considered for the “riding the elevator up and down and/or lurking in the bathroom at awards shows” job? Thx

    Lolz wait the Oberndorf family, like from San Francisco, is funding a lot of this shit? I went to college with their son or maybe I guess grandson (previously featured on Jezebel! I didn’t really know him well but we met a few times) and he has been alllllllll about how great Betsy DeVos is and how well she knows

    Um, I find it personally very rude that Bobby does not have time to watch America’s Next Top Model but he has time to record additional podcasts, but I guess I will listen to this.

    Better go investigate her venmo to see what’s up.

    I feel like it’s pretty clear that he’s been saying their model predicts that Hillary Clinton is more likely to win the election than Donald Trump. He seems concerned that many people don’t seem to grasp that even if there is, say, an 80%-90% chance that she wins, that means there is a 10%-20% chance that he wins and

    Picking a running mate ought to be about choosing a plausible successor, someone you can easily imagine being in a position to win thenext election.

    I tweeted this and included the line about class warfare as the quote and a luxury real estate company just liked it :/

    While I would love to see her speak with you all and don’t want to get too distracted from your main point, I think it’s a little unfair to lump Another Round (which as you point out was one of a few opportunities women of color have had to interview her) into the soft coverage category by cherry-picking a closing