
“no Republicans have been mass shooters”



And now you’re hallucinating. Yikes.

You seem upset. I hope you get better.


Allow me to dramatically roll my eyes at this “you ruined MUH FRANCHISE” bullshit.

You didn’t like a movie. Get the fuck over it.

lol wut

I find it amusing how objectionable you find other people’s enjoyment. That says a lot about you.

Settle down.

If this is the hill you plan to die on, I support it. Because then you’re dead.

Not your best.

Dude, let it go. You got clowned.

Literally everybody in my friend group has been waiting YEARS for a new Robyn album.

I’m surprised by how boring these two episodes have been. Why are they dragging out the introduction of witches. Coven was a terrible season, but it was never boring.

Like I said: Yikes.

Yikes, seriously, calm down.

It’s a damn shame that Ming-Na isn’t IN the movie. They wouldn’t even have to de-age her!

Settle down.

Congrats, you’re a contrarian. How alternative!