
Josie and Kevin were the Caroling Tokens this week.

He’s gonna win, because this country is fucking stupid.

How many set pieces have been built around vehicle transfers this season?

And if you aren’t familiar with the Stepford Cuckoos, the Esme siblings stuff makes no goddamn sense. Even if you do, it doesn’t mean a lot to the overall season. Why are we focused on these girls over literally any main character?

The first half

Zombie foreplay.

Rick had the fucking bat and could have brained him, but instead managed to hit him in, like, his arm? That fight was ridiculous.

The geography is bad enough on a normal episode, but having this all play out at night made most of the action - including the location and therefore characters - totally incomprehensible.

You seem fucking fun.

I’m the biggest Michael fan, and it’s honestly been so good since he passed. Each episode spends time remembering him.

lol wow you told us

He’s so fucking stupid.

The whole “learn how to be a maternal figure” vibe was so fucking weird.

I’m genuinely baffled that they couldn’t get Grant Gustin or Stephen Amell to voice their own characters for this. I applaud CW for committing to these animated series, but they always seem to whiff it.

Gosh, didn’t see that coming...


What are the odds that even gets made at this point?

Eh, I’ll mock each and every thing about him.

Christ, I hope he has a stroke on live television before Christmas.

Just as useful as someone labeling “this is why Trump won; shut up and be grateful, lefties.”

Go fuck yourself.

This really isn’t the place for your Swift stanning. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Taylor’s dumbass shouldn’t have been on the cover. Should have been Kesha.