I worry she actually doesn’t understand cell phones...she’ll forever assume that someone on the phone is real and someone in person is not, and start shooting more people.
I worry she actually doesn’t understand cell phones...she’ll forever assume that someone on the phone is real and someone in person is not, and start shooting more people.
Truth bomb dropped!!!
We have always been at war with EastDisqus.
Are you talking about the before times? In the long, long ago?
That sex tape was on the softer side
Well, it’s better than him learning about Hot Pockets on the street!
You were the Southern Californian Forrest Gump.
So I guess I’ll be watching InuYasha again.
Chachere’s might be cajun, but its all about Paul Prudhomme’s magic for the Creole.
But is it for the better? Or worse?
Tony Chachere’s is a national treasure. I live in Michigan, but every relative I know has a can of this in their cupboard. As far as I can tell, the cans last forever, because the ones I’ve seen are all well over 15 years old and still half full.
And isn’t there laws where games rated by the ESRB can only be bought by the age group they’re rated for and higher?
So it’s like that old Comic Association or whatever that people stopped listening to because it was backwards garbage?
Americans and their very important laws about video games and stuff.
I apologize if I was being snarky, I probably was. Spellcheck wouldn’t have picked up “peak” instead of “peek”, because they are both legitimate words - the first is the top of a mountain, and the second is a little look. They’re commonly used one for the other, and in 100 years only one will probably remain.
“How dare someone point out that the word is ‘peeks’ and not ‘peaks’!”