
Obsesity is not getting the attention it deserves, in this comment section or in America. 25% of these deaths were from obsesity related issues: that basically is the gain and then some. Without those we would have declined (although still maybe not as dramatically as elsewhere).

the entirety of the blame for this shit-show lies with Rolling Stone.

Yes, the wreckage of a world war and a generation desperately trying to ignore all history and consequence! The Golden Years!

He doesn’t like spoilers. Shhh.

“Trump’s interview this morning with Dr. Oz will just be a conversation about well-being, being active and positive thinking.”

No, you’re right - they’ve still got hourglass figures. Even Tess Holliday, who I think is the largest professional model, has an hourglass figure.

I just made a little bet with myself that he’s going to work the term “dried up” into it somewhere.

Actually 3/4 of a white person - the remaining 1/4 is nutty granola.

The greatest feat the devil ever did was making you think you could ever like Jill stein

This, I absolutely agree with and support. And I have been working calling my senators to bring to a vote a bill that would allocate funds for rape kits and would ensure that they are preserved for at least the SOL. Unfortunately, many people in our state and local governments seem to think the wisest use of our funds

I feel very disinclined to pass judgment on this dude, because it seems like he’s making these products for people who actually practice witchcraft as their religion? That could be my incorrect hot take, but I just feel wrong shitting on this dude for trying to make a (albeit odd) living. As long as he’s not trying to