
Offensive lineman reached out with his hand to grab the player jumping. Bobby didn’t touch the center snapping the ball.

He’s a better thrower than Braxton or TP in terms of decision making, but I think he lacks some of their arm strength. He’s a really good runner, and given the success of Braxton and Pryor in the NFL as a wide receiver, I definitely think teams are going to be considering that transition for him.

Seattle might be more dangerous, but their shaky offensive line and inconsistent running game warrants skepticism. Minnesota’s offensive line is also not a team strength, which is worrying given that Sam Bradford’s knees are made out of papier-mâché, but they feel like a more balanced football team.

How accurate is Asterix et Obelisk, with respect to its portrayal of the relationship between them and the Romans? Would they be the kind of group categorized as “barbarians”?

Isn’t your lane assignment dependent on how you do in the the qualifying heats? If you swim faster in the heats, you get a better lane in the finals

Are there other materials they could use instead of concrete that would have a lower tolerance for shrinkage/expansion?

It’s Senior Week! Why are you still putting out quality content?!?!

I’m unreasonably excited to see Donnie Yen kick some ass in an American film

It’s not subjective, the tiers are based on usage rates in tournaments (S is >=95%, A is 80-95%, etc.). So Hog was literally being played less than 5% of the total time in tournaments that weekend.

Dva’s armor straight up counters Winston’s damage—it literally reduces it to 5 dmg per second, which is nothing. If you can track Winson at all, he’s dead in 4-5 seconds. And if you’re fighting Winston with his shield between you two, then you just need to either back away, or chase him into his shield. Either way,

I also wonder how much of the difference in opinion is PC vs console. As a PC player, her ult definitely felt underpowered before, since people could just hide so quickly. Is it different on console?

Is there a poop joke in there somewhere?

Is there a poop joke in there somewhere?

What would you call it?

What would you call it?

Hanzo and Widow.
Sure, that’s what we needed, right?

Found all of them on his DA, though they aren’t big enough to be wallpapers. Still, really cool to look through!

But in the description it says exactly it’s a pdf... “Last year i started a challenge to try and do one sketch everyday, i collected all of theses sketches into this pdf artbook”

And yet, the NFL still thinks weed is worse than domestic violence

How do evolutions work with regards to a pokemon’s ability set? For example, if I have two Pidgeys, ones a higher CP, and one has, say, Drill Peck, is there a reason to keep the lower level one because of it’s cooler/more useful ability?

The best game I played in Competitive mode was a game where one person, playing Reinhardt on defense, made call outs the entire game, and got us so organized and knowledgeable about everything that the enemy was going on, it felt like pro match. “Pharah right window”, “Tracer below”, “Shield’s going down”, “They’re

Those are just the extra skins you get in-game from the Collector’s Edition: Overgrown Bastion, Security Chief Pharah, Strike-Commander Morrison, Blackwatch Reyes, and Slipstream Tracer.

Those are just the extra skins you get in-game from the Collector’s Edition: Overgrown Bastion, Security Chief