
Unfortunately, the closest one is a couple hundred miles away :/ What are return policies like at clearance outlets? If you buy a couch there and you find a broken spring or fractured leg or something, is it easy to return?


What’s the best place to find couches? Couches at fancy furniture stores usually come with financing options, but I’m not a huge fan of being indebted for a couple years to a furniture store. If I decide to buy a couch off Craigslist, what should I look for?

I, for one, welcome the “patrick beverly is bad” narrative. It’s much better than the “patrick beverly is decent” and “patrick beverly is godawful” narratives that preceded it.

What’s the thought around waiting until Windows 10 is officially released? Will waiting until then result in discounts to the Windows 8.1 machines? Will it be easier to get a Windows 10 machine because of the W10 boot up disc, instead of having to burn one later? How much of a premium will buying it now vs after W10

The biggest takeaway from this is that a) NBA really milks those non-calls, and; b) Draymond and Iggy should have fouled out

If I’m considering buying a new laptop, should I wait until after July 29th, or will it not really make too much of a difference? I’m guessing the only thing that I’ll need to do is an extra back-up cycle, but just wanted to check. This will be my first computer since 2008...!

Wasn’t there an article recently written by Gizmodo or Lifehacker about security concerns with Venmo? I don’t remember exactly what it said, but I remember whatever it said let me to delete my Venmo account.

In middle school, I ate a ketchup and grape jelly hot dog for $5.

Thanks for the tips, it’ll always be useful :D

Not sure what the policy is at your workplace, but I know at mine, it’s expected that if the company paid for some sort of education or classes of some sort, then you stay at the company for an additional year after the classes complete. I don’t think it’s a contract or anything, but it might leave a bad taste from

First time I've seen seltzer in a recipe for Old Fashions, too. First time I've seen sugar cubes, too. And a mashed marschino cherry. May as well just make a Jack and Cherry Coke at that point.

Would this game have sufficiently pissed off enough of the NBA-level talent on Kentucky to convince enough of them to stay as a fuck you to the rest of Division 1 basketball?

Seconding this question. Or can it stream via Chromecast to the TV? My current laptop freezes up when I'm streaming NFL Ticket or the like for long periods, so I'd be interested in this if it could perform that function.

Seconding this question. Or can it stream via Chromecast to the TV? My current laptop freezes up when I'm streaming

Thanks for clearing that up, I thought you had meant that you should only use "aka" in sentences like "It hurt when the cow's udder, aka cow tits, hit me in the genitals."

I know this is asking for tips, but I had a question. How does one go from working full-time, to attending graduate school full-time? What I'm mainly concerned about is transitioning to a lack of a real income, and more importantly, how to deal with existing debt that you carry into graduate school. Any tips?


That's basically how Internet and social media work right? St. Louis invented the Internet, sounds about right.

We're talking about this quote right?

How is that a burn? Last I checked, the 49ers played in Santa Clara