The Zenith Obelisk

Yes, and I hope it goes as well as his Wise Men number two and three performance.

Cam was pretty unlikeable tonight. He humiliates his husband in a professional workplace (where he's clearly unwelcome) then flips his shit over a mild suggestion and we're supposed to be on his side? I guess the writers were too busy coming up with silly things to pop out of the walls they forgot to make the guy

Thanks to Under the Dome I nearly jumped out of my chair when the monarch butterfly flew by.

I haven't seen an electrocution like that since Home Alone 3.

Welcome to Modern Family Guy.

At least the singer from last week's episode didn't show up with a screechy cover of the classic Moody Blues song that shares this episode's title.

This episode was brimming with beautiful exposition
"The dome's a sphere, it's contracting horizontally and vertically"
"Oh my God, there's another earthquake"
"The cracks are getting wider"

The ol' Pearl Nygaard treatment.

I'm all for this idea, so long as NBC gives Problem Child the same treatment they gave Parenthood.

We left Kevin home alone and he's only 23!

Well, this is Skater Kid we're talking about, so he was probably tripping balls when he saw that.

Li'l Tiffany from Men in Black has a better understanding of quantum physics than anybody in this show.

Rebecca can't accept Melanie's return because it contradicts all the laws of physics and biology. You've spent the last three weeks trapped inside an impenetrable dome controlled by a sentient egg, it's time to stop doubting.

You're keeping track better than the people of Chester's Mill.

I want a supercut of all the scenes where someone is held at gunpoint.

Shot? Impaled? Holy shit, Sheriff DJ Phil is coming back!

Julia's eye roll after seeing the rod in her leg is the most honest reaction I've ever seen in a television show.

Dome Dora was so dumb she jumped off the cliff and landed on a "blank".

Don't rule out Sheriff DJ Phil returning as a dome-ghost with these wise words of advice: "Watch out for that first step, it's a doozy!"

Julia: "The leaves have turned like it's fall, except it's summer."
Hey! Don't steal Joe's bit!