Whooooo Boy

Uh huh, so you first make a brain dead comment bearing no relation to what I actually said, and now, in your “defense” all you do is lamely dodge, like a little bitch.

Dumb fuck who cannot read, re-read this, slowly, particularly the beginning of this short passage:

“They’ll never stop The Simpsons! Have no fears, we’ve got stories for years.”

Um, there has been a reasonable discussion once a week for every week this year on this site.

LOL. Well done, tweeter person, that’s one of the best tweets I’ve ever seen.

If you listen to his podcast there are many times where he essentially admits he is a lovable (lol) asshole who can be quite exhausting to be around. 

Alright, you convinced me, putting it on my list!

Dafuq? Did you you reply to the wrong post? If not, you’re going to have to elaborate.  Make it plain what you mean, assume I am a dummy even. 

Interesting, thanks.

Disqus ain’t great, but it looks like the pinnacle of human achievement compared to kinja.  Sad stuff.

Even with all the missteps here, I think you are on to something in general. But I don’t know where the hell all these people go to comment now. Do they stop commenting? Did they really go to Twitter as someone suggested, or Reddit? But the signal to noise ratio in those places is, how do we say, drastically worse

Yikes, I thought that was just me, guess it is widespread...

Ah ha, the old “the first movie wasn’t good, so I am going to make mine even WORSE” excuse.  Works every time... oh wait, that’s dumb and you are a moron for even suggesting it.


While nowadays a week might feel like “a while”, this reasonable discussion thingy has been happening weekly here this year.  (Not that that matters much, folks barely reply each week).

So the highest comment count for one of these this year is 62, with the average more like 30.

Ok, unlike that retard Conner o’fuckface or whatever his name is, that mentally ill “comedian” that this site keeps pretending is a thing due to bribery (or perhaps he is friends of one of their moms or some shit)... Pornhub is smart enough to do stunts like this and then websites such as this one, desperate for

LOL, wow. That’s pretty awesome.

I know I know, I’ve seen the movie quite a few times. Always wondered if it was some meta joke about bassists not ever being the star of their bands, just kinda being there, doing their job and that’s it, lol.