Interesting, thanks.
Disqus ain’t great, but it looks like the pinnacle of human achievement compared to kinja. Sad stuff.
Even with all the missteps here, I think you are on to something in general. But I don’t know where the hell all these people go to comment now. Do they stop commenting? Did they really go to Twitter as someone suggested, or Reddit? But the signal to noise ratio in those places is, how do we say, drastically worse…
Yikes, I thought that was just me, guess it is widespread...
Ah ha, the old “the first movie wasn’t good, so I am going to make mine even WORSE” excuse. Works every time... oh wait, that’s dumb and you are a moron for even suggesting it.
While nowadays a week might feel like “a while”, this reasonable discussion thingy has been happening weekly here this year. (Not that that matters much, folks barely reply each week).
So the highest comment count for one of these this year is 62, with the average more like 30.
Ok, unlike that retard Conner o’fuckface or whatever his name is, that mentally ill “comedian” that this site keeps pretending is a thing due to bribery (or perhaps he is friends of one of their moms or some shit)... Pornhub is smart enough to do stunts like this and then websites such as this one, desperate for…
LOL, wow. That’s pretty awesome.
I know I know, I’ve seen the movie quite a few times. Always wondered if it was some meta joke about bassists not ever being the star of their bands, just kinda being there, doing their job and that’s it, lol.
Yup, Finn gets a promotion, Poe gets a huge promotion, Rose gets a promotion, but their little side mission antics are why most of the Rebels in TLJ get killed.
Ok yes, my hyperbole got the better of me. Johnson still tried to subvert expectations to such an absurd degree though that the whole thing ends up as some weird joke more than anything else.
Here here! The podcast is MILES better than Conan’s current show, or his Tonight Show.
Interesting idea - except Bruce doesn’t give a shit about PR. He seems to have outright disdain for talk show appearances for example.
Yeahhhhh. Her mom sounds like a HUGE piece of shit.
The subject matter here is interesting, and sad, I was going to take issue with this part of the headline “...child stardom” as she was basically a very visible extra in the movie (did she have like two lines in the whole film!?), but you know what, she WOULD be considered a star to everyone else in her school and…
John Stewart is one of the Green Lanterns. You mean Jon Stewart. And yes, he is a saint compared to Kilborn who basically creeped on every moderately attractive female celebrity.
Not only did you NOT explain how anything I said is a strawman (that would require you to discuss what I actually said, rather than mumbling vague horseshit), but you ALSO replied to your damn self and ALSO admitted you are here just for “light teasing.” Thus admitting to everyone you are a bad faith discussing piece…