Whooooo Boy

[They do clarify, however, that the buttholes were not necessarily intended, but something that “just happened and slipped through.]

Clickbaaaaaaaaiiiiiiit. Who thought that headline was a good idea? Was it you Andrew, or was it whoever passes for an editor around here?

Re Donnie Darko, never ever, EVER, listen to the Director’s Commentary for the original version of the movie. Jake sits in with Kelly and it is utterly absurd and embarrassing how little Kelly explained Jake’s character to Jake, during the filming of the movie. Jake is learning basic foundational stuff about his

“Richard Kelly has some big plans for Southland Tales”

OH SNAP, they got told yo!  Fo shizzle!

Remember when dummies in the 90s and 00s used “gay” as a synonym for lame ass stuff?  Are the folks who made and named this show trying to bring that back?

LOL, who are the four dumb fucks who agreed with you and starred your comment? How can some C-list at best, mostly indie actor, have any pull at all in some giant ass potential blockbuster movie? Come on dawg, don’t be a fucking idiot.

But the celebrities are staying home, if you raid their house you will likely come within 6 feet of them which is a social distancing no no.  Tsk tsk tsk.

Why do you assume Inception shenanigans? Johnny Nolan wrote Person of Interest, a procedural that slowly turned into a show about dueling AIs. Due to the network that show as on (CBS) and budget constraints, Nolan never got to really do the AI versus AI thing he wanted.

That’s not what YO MOMMA told me last night.

It is amazing how many halfway decent to great articles here have utterly embarrassing, childish headlines.

There is an ALMOST ZERO percent chance they will release this 150+ million dollar movie on Disney+. There is no way this film will increase Disney+ signups to even remotely cover its costs and expected profits in theaters. Disney will hold this movie for a year, or 18 months, if needed, so they can release it in

“But it should be easily agreed upon that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable”

Prove he is the director sounds right, but it is funny he was all about the storyboarding, he can pick some camera angles sure, but jesus fucking christ can he not direct for shit. He seems to not understand the scripts, even the ones he has a hand in writing. He certainly seems to be worse than prequel era George

In a buck stops here sense, since they hired the dumb fuck who cannot tell or a story, or write, or even competently direct actors.

Who is this fucking Connor moron and why the fuck should I care? Not only did the headline and article NOT make me want to click on the video, it made me wonder if you, the author of this article, has any taste at all, or if you are just frantically trying to come up with your article quota and are pretending this

“makes it abundantly clear that he really tried to put some thought into how he wanted to portray these very well-known characters in his own way”

“The President Is a Pandemic-Sized Asshole and When He’s Called on It, He Attacks the Media”

I mean this was a bad day for Biden. But when Trump talks about the “cure” he was referring not to an actual cure (there isn’t one yet), but instead drastic measures to limit the spread of the disease. Trump is a dummy who would rather have millions dead and a bad economy (rather than thousands dead and a bad economy).