Whooooo Boy

It was clearly a play on “I AM GROOT”.... methinks you should get all the cancer and all the aids for missing this.

If you aren’t a bot you are the saddest, most pathetic motherfucker I’ve ever come across in my life.

If you aren’t a bot you are the saddest, most pathetic motherfucker I’ve ever come across in my life.

Lol, you delusional piece of shit. People like YOU are the reason Trump wins. You and everyone who liked your post is an imbecile.

LOL, it is adorable that you are so stupid that you thought I was making a joke (versus making fun of people for liking James’ brand of bad comedy).

“Cool story bro”

You keep talking, you keep ignoring what I said.  Tsk tsk tsk, such a shame.

Dude clearly is sexually frustrated, that’s a given. He also is dumb as a rock as he can’t think of a better use of his time (such as, oh I don’t know, learning how to personally groom himself, exercise, get some hobbies, reading up on culture, doing actual activities outdoors, all things which lead to a well rounded

They’re an obvious dumb fuck troll and you shouldn’t engage except to make fun of them and their tiny penis.

You dishonest motherfucker. The video SHOWS the dude with his hands up, already with a cop on him, literally with a cops arm on him, said dude keeps asking what he did / why he was under arrest. THAT is the situation the jogging fucktard cops came upon. Why under THOSE circumstances would they immediately tackle the

Wow, so I already destroyed your comment in my previous reply, it’s like you didn’t even comprehend it. Lol you moron. Doing a supervised Terry Stop (aka Stop and Frisk) can be done by cops without 8 of them tackling a guy.

In addition to being a whiny little bitch, Trump is a HUGE coward.  This is so blindingly obvious, yet somehow millions of Americans seem to miss these facts.

I’m going to blow your mind, people make fun of literal retards like you who say stupid shit online, all the time, 24/7, for free! Yes, the internet is full of people calling out dummies for being dummies! Wow! Amazing!

Fat guy fall down! Fat guy fall down! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

With the 500 million he spent on ads, Bloomberg could have given EVERY AMERICAN, ONE (BUT NOT TWO) AMERICAN DOLLARS. He could have single-handedly pulled us all out of poverty and made us millionaires dollaraires.

Uh huh, ok trolling retard with a retarded screen name.

From another article on this, reporting on a statement by the commissioner:

Yeah, that was infuriating, I wonder if those dumb fuck cops are gonna claim he lashed out right when 6 other cops appeared to restrain him. 

“he was asked... to do something” - Dafuq? What was that something you trolling piece of shit? You are talking out of your ass.

Reductive nonsense strikes again. You remind me of those dumb fucks who kept claiming Bloomberg would be equally as bad of a President as Trump.