
The performances were good, the movie was not.

Mark Bittman's "How to Cook Everything" has been my cooking bible for years.

Great job, Will!

It's a toss up between Archers of Loaf and Cracker. Counting is hard.

Walter Egan, Magnet and Steel.

Was "Sleep Walk" a shoutout to Madchen's stellar work in the 90s horror flick "Sleep Walkers"?

Saul has questionable business ethics and deals with criminals, but I don't think that he's ever going to devolve into a bad person.

I've been watching a lot of Netflix comedy specials recently and this is the first one that had me laughing out loud.

Tamara walks part stripper/part ballet dancer. Are we supposed to take her seriously as an FBI agent? Is David Lynch so out of touch with that the misogyny of *everything* surrounding her is just insane?

And although Leland killed him in season two, was that NOT Jacques Renault behind the bar at the Bang Bang Club?

My thoughts exactly. WTF?

Rock of Ages. I'm still embarrassed about it.

Yeah, last 10 minutes of the film I embarrassed everyone with my ugly sobbing.

I really hate the slapstick/horror 180 in Korean flicks, but I LOVED this movie.

Awesome live show. I actively seek them out when they're in town.

The granddaughter looks like one of Ren McCormack's little cousins.

Challengers is easily my favorite New Pornographers.

My thoughts exactly. Perhaps she just chose to point out the shortcomings compared to the film as opposed to talking about the good bits?

He's like the Scott Stapp of Hollywood.

Did Madison truly bring someone back from the dead or was that just some sort of trick to get Misty into the coffin? Like Nan and the mind control, I feel like every week they're all just picking up new powers — it kind of takes the fun out of it. I will miss Nan… her ending up the supreme would've been awesome. "Now