
It’s kind of like Goodreads, but for movies (or TV). You can select a movie, rate it, write a review, read other peoples reviews, make your own lists (“My Best of 2019,” “Best Rom-Coms 2019,” whatever) and so on and so forth.

So, it’s not QUITE social media, as like a WhatsApp or Twitter or Faecbook, but it

You should not punch people. Even Nazis.

Scarlett Johansson: Hell no... My PR team has informed me that I’m only allowed to play straight white ladies from here on out.

If this pun wasn’t intended then McLevy just landed a 25lb bass without even putting a rod in the water 

Eh, I dunno. His physical appearance is how he got and remained famous, so I can’t fault him for wanting to continue it. If that’s who he is, then I guess that’s fine. And as for his acting ability, I don’t think it’s really that bad. He was a lot of fun as Maui in Moana, and he definitely gave a great effort towards

It’s pretty obvious that wasn’t the contention.

(San Andreas 2, again with Peyton helming) which suggests he’s loyal to a fault


I thought the big mystery is why they aren’t dealing with the fallout from half the population suddenly vanishing. 

this is like an avclub comment filtered through misidentified napster mp3s.

“Whomsoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” This is what Odin says when he casts Thor out in the original film, so it holds that if you have the hammer you have Thor’s powers, including lightning magic.

...did anyone not clock Thor screaming “I knew it!” as his stating that Cap could have lifted it in AoU?

Actually, a lot of people have been thinking for a while now that Steve Rogers could have lifted Mjolnir back in Age of Ultron but chose not to precisely because he’s modest.

Yeah, it looks like he wagered his acting career on a risky... Uh, what’s that word for undertaking a calculated risk?

I wish I was so good at making friends I could afford to weaponize it.  

Also my immediate takeaway. Fuck that guy.

So that guy dedicated a year of his life forming a fake friendship in order to get back at the guy who . . . spoiled a movie?

This is just...sad and pathetic. And arguably much, much worse than what originally happened to this person because he actually made this other guy feel like he had a good friend before getting his revenge.

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

how would he even get a photo of the first thanos death? it’s like outta nowhere and its 2 seconds. it’s in and out. this stinks of bullshit.